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A Day In The Life with Zac Posen

Director: Nina Ljeti Director of Photography: Drew Kass Editor: Evan Allan Senior Producer: Bety Dereje Associate Producer: Lea Donenberg Assistant Camera: Anthony Rosario Audio: Michael Clifford Production Assistants: Anna Cadena, Tiger Brown Groomer: Christina Flach Production Coordinator: Ava Kashar Production Manager: Natasha Soto-Albors Senior Director, Production Management: Jessica Schier Assistant Editor: Andy Morell Post Production Coordinator: Holly Frew Supervising Editor: Erica DeLeo Post Production Supervisor: Alexa Deutsch Director, Post Production: Nicholas Ascanio Director, Content Production: Rahel Gebreyes Senior Director, Video: Romy van den Broeke Senior Director, Programming: Linda Gittleson VP, Video Programming: Thespena Guatieri

Released on 01/17/2025


[soft jazz music]

On my daily walks, I'm really usually thinking about

all of my tasks for the day, things I wanna accomplish,

things I need to address.

When I'm walking to work, I'm always astound-

Ooh. [phone rings]

Hold on, let's get outta the street.

Shocked by the beauty of the city.

Okay. The day never ends.

[upbeat instrumental jazz music]


They're running out really quickly.

There's only eight egg whites left.

[Server] Do you wanna come back?

No, I have to get to work.

[Server] Okay!

I'm gonna take six egg white

and I'll take four of the regular

and I'll bring them to work.

[indistinct chatter]

Hi baby.

You have lipstick on?

[Zac] No. Just kept putting on like Chapstick.

A crazy day.

And then I have Demi later tonight.

[Harrison] Give her my love.

I will. You wanna see the puppies?

Yeah, I wanna see the babies.

He misses you. Mm.

I'm gonna be home soon, but I love you.

This is where the magic happens.

Look who she is, in her Winter Wonderland.

This is for the MET Gala for Divine.

A really special little moment

and I love this little vignette.

[upbeat jazz music]

So you know, here's how we kind of look

at different brands that we do.

This is some of the imagery, kind of, of part

of our Banana Republic campaign.

We did Home for the Holidays for San Francisco.

You know, Banana Republic's about the modern explorer.

And so we thought, What about exploring our own home city?

And that was the campaign before

where we worked with Carolyn Murphy

and both styled by Tawny Goodman, all in the family,

all collaborations.

An American icon for an American icon.

And then here how we start to work on kind of development

of new retail concepts around Gap.

My Dream Imaginarium, Banana Republic, Instagram Matrix.

And then a lot of work around Old Navy here on this wall.

These walls change constantly,

but it helps me keep track

of everything from different color blue codes within a brand

and just the architecture of how it works.

It's pretty similar.

It's like a couture gown is very similar,

with all the components that go into it,

to designing a brand, it has to move through space,

it has to fit perfectly and it has to serve its function

and be perfectly balanced.

Okay, here to launch.

[upbeat instrumental jazz music]

Hello! Hi.

[Zac] Hi. Welcome home. Thank you.


This is like the top secret room.

We need to check your badges.

Hold on. Out.

Calvin runs creative at Gap brand.

We're just here to kind of review some collateral

and kind of how a brand evolves.

You know, Calvin works meticulously on the brand,

on marketing and everything across Gap brand.

Hold on, let's go. Oh, uh-uh can't go over there.

Come on.

So we're here. Really exciting, little sneak peek.

Liz, walk us through.

And that's the line?

Yeah. Here, let's look.

Yep. It's that.

[Liz] That's pretty much everything.

[Zac] It'd be great to see, like,

see how that looks on the body.

I mean we did so many fittings on it.

[Liz] We happy?

[Zac] Oh that is so beautiful. So it's so cool.

So it just ties? Mm-hmm.

How great.

So we're gonna go over some men's stuff. This is Noah.

This is the ASMR moment of quality.

[material rubs]

[whispers] It's Old Navy.

Collaboration is everything in life.

Making decisions, owning them and trust.

This is Aya. This is the CEO of Old Navy.

This is the man, the myth, the magician,

the business maker.

I actually get to work with him, you know?

He's the beauty. I'm the beast.


I mean, wouldn't you want have that on the print here too?

Oh yes. And that's gonna

take real development.

I'm here with Nikki. Hi!

Nikki and I have a lot of fun in these quick moments.

Yes. In these zones.

And we actually get really productive.

We get a lot done. Yes.

And we can drive and work in high speed

really well together.

Yes. Maybe we work on some

like carved wood buttons? That could, ooh.

Like that's just like almost so it gets like a cameo?

'Cause that feels cooler than the crystallization.

[Nicole] True.

Just throwing that out there.

And it could be like

heads of our animals.

Right? So it brings in something.

There's something yummy about those kind of earthenware.

Yeah. Yummy brown tiles.

Like that would be a beautiful Macintosh raincoat in

that dark maroon red.

I love this. I'm obsessed. Isn't that gorgeous?

Where did you find that?

This is from Italy, from Cafissi.

It's amazing. And it's a new dye

technique they're doing.

[Zac] I like that it's like day camo

without being a camo in that sense.

Yes. Obviously it's gonna be nice

to have those interesting corduroys.

Tons of corduroy. I like a very,

you know, I like

like the one inchers because they can't find those.

Can I show you something?

Yeah, show it to me.

I was just on the phone touching it.

Where is it?

It's down here.

This one. That one?

Well that's amazing. A double-

And then some of the prints are coming in.

And that's just to die for.

Yeah. I mean- I also think it

could be nice with corduroy to do it as a button

instead of a zip.

Oh yes. A button. Yes.

If there's something like luxury about that.

Yes. I also think you could do

a little bit more of a high-waisted-

[Nicole] And with a pleat.

With a pleat.

So here's what the secret to know

about Banana Republic Men's is that we really work

with some of the finest fabrics available.

It's pretty incredible.

[upbeat instrumental jazz music]

So I got

Kermie, Richard, and my man.


So, tonight Demi Moore is wearing this

to the San Francisco Film Festival.

It's really the first piece that I've designed

within the Gap line besides like the Anne Hathaway dress

and some one-of-a-kind numbers.

Demi and I officially met on a Vogue set

when she was last on the cover of American Vogue.

I made a custom dress for her.

I was on a terrace with a New York City background

and it was kind of like one

of those kismic moments, like we connected.

I love her and her family

and she's been an incredible support and inspiration

and a very great friend now for many, many years.

I'm really excited to debut this.

It's our cropped, coated denim moto.

And then it has this great kind of T-shirt tank gown

underneath with great seaming.

Something that's like really comfortable, really cool,

like the lady who's debuting it.

I gotta get ready.

So like you guys gotta get out. Bye.

[upbeat instrumental jazz music]

Okay, Vogue, I gotta go pick up my date.

This is where I leave you.

Have a good night.

[upbeat instrumental jazz music]