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A Day With Kaia Gerber

Director: Nina Ljeti Director of Photography: Michael Lopez Editor: Rachel Kosminsky, Michael Suyeda Senior Producer: Bety Dereje Associate Producer: Lea Donenberg Assistant Camera: Kahdeem Prosper Jefferson Gaffer: Eric Hinsperger Audio: Lily van Leeuwen Production Assistant: Quinton Johnson Makeup Artist: Marcelo Gutierrez Hairstylist: Joseph Handwerker Groomer: Jennifer Brent Production Coordinator: Ava Kashar Production Manager: Natasha Soto-Albors Line Producer: Romeeka Powell Senior Director, Production Management: Jessica Schier Assistant Editor: Billy Ward Post Production Coordinator: Scout Alter Supervising Editor: Erica DeLeo Post Production Supervisor: Alexa Deutsch Associate Director, Post Production: Nicholas Ascanio Global Talent Casting Director: Ignacio Murillo Director, Content Production: Rahel Gebreyes Senior Director, Video: Romy van den Broeke Senior Director, Programming: Linda Gittleson VP, Video Programming: Thespena Guatieri Filmed on Location: JINsoon Nail Salon, Hotel Chelsea

Released on 11/11/2024


[Woman] All right, Kaia, let's cut on you. Let's go.

Thank you.

We are coming from the Vogue offices

where we just talked a bit about shooting the cover

with Mark and Steven.

And now we are on our way to JINsoon,

my favorite nail salon in New York to get pedicures.

And I'm meeting a friend, but it's a surprise.

Oh, books.

It's either one of two things if I get distracted,

books or dogs.

Oh, we're here.

My friend that I'm with me needs no introduction.

The one and only Mark Jacobs.


[Kaya] What is this?

This is like old school acrylic.

I mean I love to fuck with gender.

I don't think you hear a lot of young men or men

running around with nails like this.

The sound of them we've all been talking about.


It's like I wanna go to sleep to that sound. It's so nice.

I can't sit still for two hours.

Yeah. Okay.

For a movie.

Okay, really?

But I can sit still for eight hours

while my nails are getting done.



[Kaya] The first time we met,

I think it was on Mark Jacobs Beauty.

[Mark] Yeah, I think so.

[Kaya] That was the first, right?

[Mark] I think so.

[Kaya] Because that was before Daisy.

We showed up at the studio wherever the photo studio was

and Cindy was there with you.

[Kaya] Oh yeah.

[Mark] Yeah.

My mom had to bring me to work.

I couldn't even travel alone.

I know, I know you were, you were quite young

and Cindy brought you in.

People have always said that like they see my mom

and they go, uh-oh, is it about to be stage mom?

And she couldn't have been.


[Kaya] She wasn't living vicariously through me.

She was like, I've done it. Enjoy it.

I guess there were a lot of people requesting to work

with you and do things with you.

And I think, you know, she had her reservations about a

young woman doing a beauty campaign.

And she said like, I just really don't want this

to not look young.

And I thought that was, you know,

really true to her and a very cool.

And then I did your show.

And you said on RuPaul what?

The RuPaul episode that I guest judged, was like neo-goth.

And Nymphia Wind, who I'm such a fan of,

had her face covered and looked so beautiful.

And one of the critiques was, you know,

you shouldn't cover your face.

And I was like, I don't know.

Because I walked a Mark Jacob's runway or two

where my face is covered and it doesn't matter.

Because it's fashion Darling.

I love that you said it. I wasn't expecting it.

And I was watching that episode and I was like, yep. There.

I think it was like the third show I did for you

at The Armory where I had this big hat

and it was one of my favorites.

So, I was also like, I don't have to think about what

my face looks like right now.

But the clothes, I loved the clothes for that show.

There's so many people in that show.


Like Hunter was in that show.

Oh yeah.

There are a lot of people who,

That's true for a lot of your shows though.

And that's what I love.

And the thing is like now,

you know, when someone does a show.

Like you have social media and things.

So you know when someone's there.

But I love not being recognizable on your show.

It's really fun.

Well I give you that opportunity.

You do. And that's why I love working for you.

[Woman] So what made you think of Kaia for the cover?

Clearly the Kaia story is the best.

[Kaya] Stop! The other, the better models,

weren't available so.

Oh, please.

It was the first and it was just,

it was just the most incredible day.

It was just like everything I loved.

And being with Steven, being with Kaia, being with Pat

and Grace, it was just like,

again, one of those days that's very few

and far between for me.

And When I get them I just realize why I love doing this.

Like what I do. You know?

[Woman] And then you also have Anna Weyant,

doing the painting.

Yeah. Oh my God. Have you seen it?

I saw. Oh my gosh.

Did you see it finished?


Okay. I didn't either.

I was lucky enough to get a painting

from her last show here in New York.

And she had posted a pot.

And I was like, oh my god, that pot is amazing.

Is there any way you can put in a good word with

Argan Ngozi, I want that pot.

And she said, I'll put in a good word.

But that one pot is really a part of three pots.

So I should send you the whole painting before.

But then when I saw the three pots, I was like,

what's better than one pot? Three.


What have you got coming up?

Well I was just at Tiff for this movie

about Saturday Night Live that I am in.

That comes out.

[Mark] A Movie about Saturday Night Live?

Yeah, it's about the first,

the making of the first episode.

It's like a the hour and a half leading up

to when they first went live.

And then it was this massive success that still,

still goes on.

I'm saying Bye.

We're saying goodbye.



[upbeat music]

Is it me having dinner by myself or no?

[Woman] You're talking to me.

Okay, great!

[Woman] You're talking to me.

My mom was like, it should be both of us.

I was like, you've had your Vogue covers, mom.

Like, it's okay.

So, tonight we're doing a reading with Library Science

and the Chelsea Hotel.

When I moved to New York, I read, Just Kids,

which is I feel like required reading for any young person.

Especially if you're moving to New York

and you're a creative or an artist.

So, I just glorified Hotel Chelsea, so much.

It's like there's so many incredible

people that have lived here.

I have this like huge document on my phone

that's like pages long of people that have lived here.

I feel like I could spend days here just like going

to all the different apartments.

The stories here are just like, the coolest.

So when we started doing these in-person readings,

I thought the Chelsea Hotel would be the

perfect place to do one.

The only rule that I gave to readers was it has to be

a piece written, by someone who is at one moment

in their life, a resident.

I'm reading a piece, I have friends coming.

I have this incredible guitarist,

who is a resident here, playing on a guitar that's made out

of wood from the renovations they just did.

And then a lot of residents are coming down from their

homes, which they have so kindly welcomed us into.

And I hope that they don't feel invaded by us

and it's really just a celebration of them and

and their life and their art.

I'm still kind of in between what I'm gonna read.

I haven't decided it might be a game time decision.

I've always been very drawn to correspondences.

So letters between people

and that's why Gravitated towards the letter

that Patty wrote Robert.

But there are letters that Leonard Cohen wrote to Marianne,

his longtime muse.

Those ones, the ones that I also might read are also towards

the end of her life and his goodbyes to her.

But they're like celebrations of life.

[upbeat music]

I am doing a play in LA, which I'm really excited about.

It's my friend, Will Arbery's play.

Being able to rehearse as much as you do

with a play in a small space, that's like really safe

and kind of the safety to fail is something

that I haven't felt very much in my life.

I hope I get to act for as long as I'm breathing.

It doesn't feel like a job to me.

I feel so lucky that I get to do that and like make believe

and play pretend, for you know, my job.

Like I don't even call it a job because it's really so fun.

Like that's what I was doing as a kid for fun.

And you know, even if there's absolutely no money involved,

I would still be doing it.

Have one, you can swallow it whole.

[gentle music]

Hi. Thank you guys for being here at the Chelsea Hotel

or Hotel Chelsea, whatever you prefer.

I am very excited that everyone has let us

into this beautiful historic place.

And for some people here into their home.

We have some wonderful readers, some residents,

and then some friends.

[gentle music]


And that's it. That's all.

Thank you, Vogue for spending the day with me.

I have to get back to my event. I'll see you.

[gentle music]

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