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Miles Chamley-Watson’s Self-Care, Skin-Care, and 4-Step Hair-Care Routine

Miles Chamley-Watson’s Self-Care, Skin-Care, and 4-Step Hair-Care Routine Director: Gabrielle Reich DP: Dominik Czaczyk Editor: Michael Suyeda, Paul Tael Associate Producer: Lea Donenberg Production Assistant: Spencer Mathesen Production Manager: Natasha Soto- Albors Production Coordinator: Ava Kashar Associate Talent Manager: Phoebe Feinberg Post Production Supervisor: Alexa Deutsch Post Production Coordinator: Scout Alter Supervising Editor: Erica DeLeo Assistant Editor: Andy Morell Associate Director, Post Production: Nicholas Ascanio Filmed at: Hotel Casa Del Mar

Released on 07/30/2024


[lively music]

Hello, Vogue.

I'm Miles Chamley-Watson,

and I'm gonna be taking you through my skincare,

haircare, and my overall wellness

to keep me sharp for when I'm on the road.

First step, candles. I love candles.

I always carry them on the road with me.

Just kind of reminds me of being home

and since I'm in the hotel all the time,

it's just like a lovely feeling of just zen so.

Look, in this candle, if only you could smell it.


So the first thing we do is a lovely Vitamin C face mask,

just so you know, give that skin some love,

especially like being on the plane

and sweating a lot with a mask,

it's just like nice to just always put it on.

[lively music]

Oh, this one smells nice.

And then you just look stunning

for about five minutes.

And then we put this on, go downstairs, put a coffee on,

go back out and then it's done.

So then after five minutes, you look like that.

It's not overly like wet on your face.

It's nice and kind of sinks into your pores,

so that's a good one.

I'm a facial scrubber.

Some people say, Oh, it's too hard on your skin,

but get a good facial scrub.

Say about a little glob.

I started exfoliating a lot more

because in fencing, we sweat a lot.

And then, you know, if your skin's not clean,

then it's easy to get acne or just irritate the skin.

Looking like a million dollars out there.

All right, next, I take a pure cleansing oil.

I got this one in Korea.

It's just nice, felt really good.

Since you just scrubbed the skin,

now you gotta love the skin.

[lively music]

Got a bit of loving, darling.

So I was in Korea for work

and I ran out of my cleansing oil,

and I was like, Oh, no, what I gonna...

I'm like, I'm in Korea, go anywhere.

I just stumbled upon this shop

that I had about 18,000 different cleaning oils

and I just found this one and I loved it.

Make sure you get the beard as well,

and make sure you check yourself out in there.

Make sure you feel good.

So I heard through this lady

in the Korean shop says, Since you do the scrub,

your skin is really like rough and dry,

that if you leave the cleansing oil on your skin,

it will actually, they say, Rejuvenate your skin faster.

So I leave it on.

This is a lovely little exfoliating, brightening, you know.

Take a little glob of this,

do the good old Home Alone scene.

You know, he does that and he screams,

oh, it has a little burn in this one,

but it should burn, it's a good thing.

As I'm preparing for the Olympics,

fencing's massive in Paris.

So it's kind of like a different feel

to the whole Olympics this year

'cause you know, we're at the history

and our venue is the Grand Palais,

so it's gonna be really lovely to be able to, you know,

hopefully make history there,

but also just be in an amazing culture of Paris.

I love Paris.

I've actually competed in this venue before,

so I'm excited to, hopefully,

bring back something nice and shiny.

I was just in Paris with Vogue World,

I was walking my thing down the runway, which was sick.

It was amazing. That was like ridiculous.

This is my serum.

And I just learned about serums that maybe two years ago.

I think I've always liked taking care of myself, you know,

just in terms of hygiene.

And then like when I started to get, you know,

more and more busier, I would just always like,

wanna make sure that my skin was fresh.

My mom's always been like taking care of herself,

so she looks like she's 30 but she's not.

So my mom's kind of probably one person

who like told me about, you know, take care of your skin,

and wearing sunscreen, which I used to never wear sunscreen.

I was like, Oh, I'm mixed, I'm tan,

I don't need to wear sunscreen.

But I was wrong.

A good sunscreen is really good

because you don't want to walk around and have like

that white look on your face.

I got my first facial ever.

I was like, that's incredible.

I wanna go every day.

Like things like that, getting, you know, massages

and every Sunday meet my coach, we go to the Russian sauna,

which is like amazing for your skin,

like that's like been a game changer for me.

You're sweating all your toxins

and then you're sweating better than,

you know, your skin is breathing more.

So I think, it's very important to kind of,

take care of yourself and, you know,

I see a lot of women taking care of themselves.

I'm like, All right, well I should do the same.

You should definitely put sunscreen

on your entire body.

Let me get the shoulders.

So since I don't have anyone help me out here,

I'm just gonna do it myself.

Definitely noticed in the last couple years,

like people have been like men, you know,

especially have been taking care of themselves a lot more,

which is like good to see.

But also we should have been doing it years ago so.

So since I did the serum,

I didn't forget to put the moisturizer on.

So, you know, you forget sometimes,

but I've got a little glob on.

[lively music]

I've got a beard too, so I'm get into the beard as well.

And I've got tattoos as well now,

so you need to like moisturize as well

because I don't wanna lose them.

So I think being mixed,

I've got kind of both kind of worlds.

I need to, like, figure out what to do.

Eye gel.

I don't want bags under my eyes

so I use like a lot of this every day,

sometimes twice a day, and I don't actually have any bags.

So, like, this has been something that's like,

I think people sleep on the eye gel.

It's kind of got like a cooling sensation in there.

It's therapy as well.

You just do this routine, put some music on, have a coffee,

got the candles still going.

I like routine, so it's important to do this every day.

And when I'm on the road, keep everything the same

and just like kind of makes you feel more at home,

which is nice.

Everything here will be with me in the village.


Hope it's big enough, but everything will be here,

and then that's just my skincare.

So what have we got next?

The hair.

I kind of start with like a conditioner

because I've got mixed hair.

So like Cantu was like really good with mixed hair.

I take a lot of this and just like run it through your hands

and then just nicely through,

and it'll be white on, it'll be white

but the more you massage it into your hair,

it'll just become your hair color.

Jamaican black castor oil, it's like purple almost.

Take a little glob of this,

and just like make your hair like moist,

but also like kind of shiny,

and then like also helps it grow

and just really like get into the whole scalp.

Also, you have to put this on your skin too.

Like look that I'm glistening.

That's my bad boy. Just a little bit of this.

It's like oily, so you don't want too much.

Oil is gonna ruin your bedsheets.

I've done that before.

I woke up and my entire head was like going away,

Somehow, just not a good look. [scoffs]

I used to have a kind of superstitions

before a match where I'd be like, I'll take a bath

before every competition or like,

you know, I would have to like watch a certain movie

or eat a certain meal.

But now I don't really, the night before,

I always go out with whoever I'm with,

with my teammates, or wherever.

Get a good meal.

And I don't talk about fencing or sports,

just I don't wanna think about it.

And then we just enjoy the evening,

get back to the room, watch a movie.

And then I always lay out my clothes in the morning.

So like got my fencing stuff, I've got my warm-ups,

it's got my hat, it's gpt my watches there,

I have to wear for the, hopefully, for the podium.

And then I just do this every morning as well.

Kind of like reset to me.

And then there's time to fly them in Dyson.

So this is coconut and hibiscus styling milk.

So going into like my third Olympics in Paris,

I'm not really nervous at all,

which is like when you become the most dangerous.

Maybe when I get there, I'll be getting in my boots

but right now, honestly no.

I was wondering why my lip's so juicy.

That's why.

This lip balm was incredible.

Barbara knows what she's doing.

Bye, Vogue. See you at the Olympics.

Thank you for having me.

Hope you love my little skincare, haircare.

I'll see you in Paris. Thank you.

[lively music]

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