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Sydney Sweeney Has a Spare Wig in Her Miu Miu Bag. Don’t You?

Director: Nina Ljeti Director Of Photography: Ruby Paiva Editor: Rachel Kosminsky Producer: Gigi Chavarria Associate Producer: Marisah Yazbek Assistant Camera: Simon Gulergun Gaffer: Cameron Sonsini Audio: Jessica Zhang Production Assistants: Karla Rodriguez, Mikhael Yazbek Production Coordinator: Ava Kashar Production Manager: Natasha Soto-Albors Line Producer: Romeeka Powell Senior Director, Production Management: Jessica Schier Assistant Editor: Fynn Lithgow Post Production Coordinator: Scout Alter Supervising Editor: Erica DeLeo Post Production Supervisor: Alexa Deutsch Associate Director, Post Production: Nicholas Ascanio Associate Talent Manager: Jenna Caldwell Director, Content Production: Rahel Gebreyes Senior Director, Programming: Linda Gittleson VP, Video Programming: Thespena Guatieri Filmed on Location: The Maybourne Beverly Hills

Released on 09/20/2024


And no one knows it's me.

Who am I?

[Sydney laughs]

[upbeat band music]

So this is my travel work bag.

It's very sturdy, straps hold everything.

It doesn't fall apart.

A lot of my bags usually fall apart

'cause I stuff them so heavy.

And then this is a little charm

that my friend Ollie made me.

It says Tank.

Tank is my dog.

I've had her since I was like 16 and a half,

17 years old.

She's pretty much my everything.

I love her.

So this is special and cute for me.

The most important stuff for traveling,

I put in my zipper.

We brought the staple, and my wallet.

When I turned 18, I got a bunch of gift cards.

So we got BJ's for Pizookies 'cause I love Pizookies.

We got Michael's, there's gas cards in here.

I have yet to use them.

When I was 18 I was like, I have to save these

in case I go broke one day.

I haven't gone broke yet.

We then have my phone, we got a screen right here,

turns into the camera, say hi, say hello, Vogue.

And then I have it themed like Super Marios

'cause it reminds me of my little brother.

And we used to play video games together all the time.

So yeah, it's my phone [laughs].

This is my Laneige Lip Glowy Balm,

also has cute little charms on it,

they made it for me and I'm obsessed with it.

This is vanilla.

It's my favorite flavor.

My lips never go chap.

It's the best one.

And then we got ice cream, 'cause I love ice cream.

That's my favorite thing.

Then we've got some hair ties with silk

'cause I'm trying to get my hair to grow out.


I'm a candy girl.

I always need candy to fuel me.

So we've got some gummy bears.

These are amazing.

I never thought that I'd actually be down for like,

I think these are, oh they might not be organic.

I might've lied to myself and said

they were organic, there were trees,

so I thought maybe it was a little healthier

than the other gummy bears.

But it's good.

There's always some type of candy in my purse.

All right, we've got my book that I'm reading right now.

I'm prepping for a movie about Christy Martin.

She's an amazing fighter.

My note tabs are more of just different things

and moments in her life that I think are important.

I got a lot of work to do.

Something that's been in my purse probably way too long

is this old pack of gum.

I don't know why it's been in here for so long.

There's legit like look at these pieces

that are in half, 'cause I'm like gimme some gum.

Probably not the best look.

Emergency kit, bandaids, aloe.

I get really bad blisters.


That's my stylist [laughs].

An old picture of me.

Sometimes I like to surprise my friends

and just say what's up?

Or I'm driving and someone's like honking at me

and I'll turn.

This is from my movie Immaculate.

I think we had it at the premier

and my team and I thought these were hilarious.

So we took a bunch and we have a group chat

where they'll just like take pictures

and send it to each other at random jump scare moments.

So I have one in my car now.

[Sydney laughs]

Could you imagine?

So when I traveled to new places, I collect tile.

I recently went to Greece for the first time

and went around to different islands.

So I'd find like the little tiles

that say the place's name on it.

I think it started on Handmaid's Tale,

'cause it was like my first project

that I kind of left the States for.

I wanted to remember like this new place I got to go to.

I wanted to find something that was hard to collect.

And it's tile.

Tile's actually way harder than you think it is to find.

I have huge pieces that are like hand painted.

I have these tiny ones.

I've different shapes.

I have 3D ones.

I don't know what I'm gonna do with them yet,

so if you have any ideas, drop it in the comments below.

That's weird [laughs].

When I travel, I always make sure

that I have my Bouncy and Firm eye sleeping mask.

So this is my everything.

I'm obsessed with it.

When I'm on a plane, I like to take off all my makeup

and I will put this Eye City mask on

and I just put cream all over my face.

Then there's like this cream skin mist,

little spray, it's their toner.

I'm just like out like a light on planes

with all my skincare on.

And I probably look like I'm crazy.

But highly recommend,

'cause you'll wake up and you'll feel great.

The phone charger, have to have that.

Also from Greece, I haven't taken it out.

This is a shot glass for my dad.

So I collect shot glasses for my dad

wherever I travel to, usually they're inappropriate,

but this is not inappropriate.

So we're good showing it on Vogue.

We've got a wig.

Doesn't everybody carry a wig in their purse?

Just like.

[upbeat flute music]

And no one knows it's me.

Who am I?

[Sydney laughs]

Do you like it? - Yeah.

Should I continue it with the wig?

Probably not, it's Vogue [laughs].

And then I have my makeup kit in my pizza bag.

This is kind of like whenever I need a refresher.

So we've got some Kerastase hair oil,

my My Way, I don't leave anywhere without this.

Like this is a perfect travel size.

I use it nonstop.

I'm not the best at doing my makeup.

Mel does my makeup.

And so when I have to do my own makeup,

I try to stay as simple as possible.

So I usually will just use

the Armani Luminous Silk concealer

and just do like little spot coverup,

wherever I might have a breakout or under my eyes.

And then I love blush,

so I'll mix this Luminous Silk Cheek Tint

and I just put on the back of my hand,

mix it, and paint it with my fingers.

I love makeup that you can just like do with your hands.

And a bunch of bag tags and airline tickets,

so don't throw these out ever, I need to.

Pencil case with pencils, the highlighters,

the pens, and isn't this adorable?

I love it so much.

I try to stay organized,

I might not look like I'm organized,

but I try to have everything in its own little home.

So my least favorite thing is when pens

are thrown in my bag,

so I try to put them in my little case,

and then I can take notes in my book.

My glasses 'cause I'm actually blind.

I can't see.

I cannot see you right now.

I should wear my glasses but I don't.

And I don't wear contacts

'cause I'm scared of putting things in my eye.

I don't know what my prescription is

because I also don't like going to the eye doctor.

That's why I carry around eyedrops that make my eyes white

because I constantly look like I'm high and I'm not.

I'm just blind.

So eyedrops.

Poop bags for Tank,

'cause every dog mom needs to have bags

in their purse just in case, you never know

when the moment's gonna come, and you gotta be prepared.

If I could fit my dog in my purse,

I mean Tank would definitely be

in my purse right now hanging out with me.

And then we've got some Polaroids.

This is actually from yesterday.

Yeah, yesterday.

I have Polaroid cameras with me all the time

and I have my team like carry around Polaroid cameras

and we take fun photos.

And so I have a bunch of photo albums in my house

of like different shoots and campaigns and moments in life.

And I just love having photos that are tangible.

Who knows?

They might all be deleted one day

and I might lose them all.

So I started creating photo albums.

I have a lot of Polaroids.

It's one of my favorite things.

I have tried to get better at being an under packer

because I am usually overly prepared.

I'm trying to lighten the weight of my suitcases,

but I don't bring unnecessary items.

Like Molly and I will bring a suitcase of candy.

When we go to Venice, sometimes we starve,

so we bring candy and snacks.

We're usually on an island

and the restaurant closes,

and we have no food.

So we bring food to Italy.

Is that allowed?

Are you allowed to do that?

This is an over packer trying to justify themselves.

So I'm just gonna stop now.

[upbeat piano music]

Well, that's what's in my bag, Vogue,

and I will see you next time.

[upbeat piano music]