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Emma Roberts’s Tote and Purse are Filled With All Her Summer Essentials–Plus a Sweet Treat

Emma Roberts’s Tote and Purse are Filled With All Her Summer Essentials–Plus a Sweet Treat Director: Nina Ljeti Director of Photography: Andrew Amine Editor: Michael Suyeda Producer: Gabriela Marie Safa Producer, On Set: Vara Reese Associate Producer: Lea Donenberg Gaffer: Julia Gowesky Assistant Camera / Camera Operator: Thomas Rospabé Audio: Lily van Leeuwen Production Assistant: Quinton Johnson Production Coordinator: Ava Kashar Production Manager: Natasha Soto-Albors Line Producer: Romeeka Powell Senior Director, Production Management: Jessica Schier Assistant Editor: Andy Morell Post Production Coordinators: Ian Bryant, Scout Alter Supervising Editor: Erica DeLeo Post Production Supervisor: Alexa Deutsch Associate Director, Post Production: Nicholas Ascanio Associate Talent Manager, Video: Jenna Caldwell Director, Content Production: Rahel Gebreyes Senior Director, Programming: Linda Gittleson VP, Video Programming: Thespena Guatieri

Released on 07/15/2024


Do you want me to do it?

Yeah, let's do it. Are you serious?

Oh my God, it didn't work.

[crew and Emma laugh]

Oh my God, is mine broken?

This whole time I thought I was safe.

Hey Vogue, it's Emma.

Today I am gonna show you what is in my bag.

[upbeat music]

I probably have 60 totes.

There are way more totes,

but then I did like a purging of the totes,

which I really regret

and I shouldn't have gotten rid of any of them, but I did.

So now yeah, we're talking like 60.

I thought this one was pretty spectacular though.

I'm gonna try to go again

because I didn't get a sweatshirt at the concert.

See you soon Zach Bryan.

What is in the tote you ask?

Well, I always have a book with me

'cause I'm usually traveling

and I'm also compulsively early to wherever I'm going.

And my book club Belletrist,

our last pick was Weird Black Girls.

It's short stories and it is absolutely amazing.

So I highly recommend that.

My book club Belletrist,

I started with my best friend Kara seven years ago.

We actually talked about it so long ago

that it was before Instagram existed, if you can imagine.

So we were like, should we start a blog or a Tumblr?

Of course now I feel like everybody has a book club,

which I love because the more people are reading the better.

But this is something that I've just been passionate about

forever and we've turned it into a production company.

Let's see.

What would you guys like to see next?

Hmm, my keys.

I always have my keys on me

and this is my son's first school photo.

This photo just absolutely killed me

'cause he never smiles for me

and picture day he was really into, so.

He cannot leave the house without Honey Bear.

It's this little like Slumberkin stuffed animal.

I noticed that after having a kid

like you buy them all this like

really amazing like special unique stuff.

And then whatever they get attached to is always so random.

But we've had to buy now four Honey Bears

because Honey Bear did get thrown into a river once.

We were like throwing rocks into the river

and he threw Honey Bear into the river.

So I panicked and was then very grateful

that I could order Honey Bear for overnight shipping.

This brightens my day every time I see it.

My son has Honey Bear

and then I have my blankie that I carry around with me.

But I'm an adult so I call it an anxiety rag

because that seems to be like a little more acceptable.

But this is just something that I just

go like this when I have anxiety or when, you know,

I'm just feeling anxious I guess.

Where's the part?

This is the twirling part.

It's like this all the time.

It's a little weird but I like it.

Kiko, this is my absolute favorite.

Unlimited double touch lip gloss.

I have really gotten into like a darker lip lately

and especially for summer.

I don't wanna have to wear any makeup,

but I like to throw on a red lip to like,

you know, spice up an outfit.

This is my favorite.

You got gloss on one side, color on one side,

throw it in your bag.

Absolutely love.

Evian spray.

I'm obsessed with any kind of face mist,

especially when I'm at work

and I have to wear makeup for 12 hours.

I have to do misting in the day

and everybody always wants a spritz.

Whenever I pull this out

like everyone in this room when we're done with this,

I will totally Evian mist you.

Oh, I'm very into flower essences lately.

Alexis Smart.

This one's Ganesh and it's for confidence.

Four drops under your tongue four times a day.

I feel like if it does something, great,

and if it doesn't it's doing something in my mind.

So I love that too.

Definitely gonna get more from her.

M&M's, duh.

Have to have M&M's.

Peanut M&M's the best.

Love it, great source of protein.

I always need M&M's,

especially when I'm traveling on the plane or in a hotel.

It's a must.


I'm new to this, my mom got it for me and my sister.

Basically if you're in a bad situation,

you pull it and an alarm goes off very loud

because yeah, sometimes I'm walking alone at night

and I'm a little scared.

So Birdie, I could pull it right now,

but you guys would freak, it's so loud.

Me and my sister carry these because of my mom.

Thanks, mom.

All right, what else do we have?

We have a phone, but who cares about a phone?

I'm so bored of my phone but there it is.

Cards always.

I'm in an ongoing gin competition with my boyfriend

and so far I'm losing, which I'm not happy about.

So I always have a deck of cards on me

'cause I'm always trying to win a gin.

Oh, well this is stuck together.

We have AirPods obviously.

This is my ninth pair of AirPods

because they don't wanna stay with me.

I'm so into country.

I love country.

I love Zach Bryan.

I'm into Lana Del Ray, that's not country,

but I love Lana Del Ray

and also when I'm driving,

I only listen to Seriously Sinatra is the station

'cause I feel like it's the only thing

that keeps me like calm and cool in traffic,

is just a little Sinatra, you know.

And then this is because my bangs will not grow out

so I have to clip them down sometimes

when they're not behaving, so.

I should have two of those but

I guess we lost the other one.

Okay, so we're done with the tote

and now we are moving on to the purse.

I'm a Ray-Ban girl.

Always have been, always will be.


My Gucci wallet.

I love yellow and I got this duty free

at the airport in Italy so

I don't know why that makes me love it more, but it does.

Okay, this I'm obsessed with.

My sister introduced me to this 'cause she's 23 and cool

and like knows everything about social media and phones

and so this goes on, I mean, of course

'cause I have all this stuff on the back of my phone,

but if I take my case off

and do this I can literally stick this anywhere

and like FaceTime or take pictures or do videos.

So it's very handy.

The Octobuddy.

I've gotten this for like everyone I know

and it's changed their life.

There's that.

Mostly what I want to keep from stuff I've worked on

is clothing.

I'm still kicking myself

that I didn't take more from American Horror Story: Coven,

but I did keep a pair of black Prada ankle boots

that I still to this day love.

I don't think I can walk in them anymore, but I love them.

Bandaid, Toblerone,

more candy that I sneak into the movie theater.

I love Toblerone.

I miss the ArcLight 'cause they used

to sell Toblerone at the ArcLight.

I mean, can't like one of the streamers buy it

and then like they can like charge you more per month

and you can go see movies for free in theaters.

That would be fun.

Thank you, everyone behind us is going like this.

Let's talk to somebody about that.

And then I have stamps.

I always need stamps.

I'm old school.

I like sending postcards everywhere I go to my family.

But like even if I'm staying in a hotel,

like if I'm away from my son,

like I'll send a little postcard from the hotel.

Like nothing gives me more joy than getting mail.

So I like to give that joy to other people

'cause I feel like we don't get mail anymore

unless it's like something we ordered.

I'm a big scrapbooker so I love like tangible stuff

and souvenirs and like concert tickets,

movie tickets, postcards.

I like anything analog

because I just feel like everything disappears

into the abyss of our phones and computers now.

I try to keep that a little bit alive

within my family and friend group.

I have a couple more things, I have mascara.

I feel like I always need mascara.

So that's in here.

From Kiko.

Eye drops, I have dry eye, it's horrible.

And now I'm addicted to eye drops.

It's like a vicious cycle I've heard.

I don't know, we don't need to get into it

but yes, eye drops, Altoids, duh.

And then this, my friend, my little doll.

I'm a doll collector if you haven't been following

that recently on my social media.

My friend's daughter who's eight months old,

Stevie, hi Stevie,

she gave me this the other day

and I actually forgot that I had put it in here.

So she accidentally came with me to New York.

She's missing her arm,

but I feel like that's part of her charm, you know.

She might accidentally now be my traveling doll

'cause she's made it to New York

so she may as well just continue on with me

to wherever I go next.

She doesn't have a name yet though, we should name her.

Doll names, anyone?

Little Stevie.

Okay, Little Stevie.

Little Stevie.

There she is.

I have a pen, I love this pen.

This pen's actually caused an argument between my mom and I

because she said it was hers and I knew it was mine.

And it's not a pen you like mistake.

Like it's a weird looking pen.

She was convinced it was hers.

I was convinced it was mine and I love this pen

and so I took it back.

There's no way we bought the same pen

that looks like this, is there?

So I only have one thing left in here.

Like that's embarrassing

and it's only 'cause I just got off a plane.

I have recently started sleeping with mouth tape

and if you guys aren't doing it,

you should be 'cause it's life changing.

I feel more refreshed when I wake up

sleeping with mouth tape.

I'm the girl on the plane with the mouth tape

with my blankie with like under eye patches

with like an eye mask.

Like you don't wanna see me on a plane.

And I'm not embarrassed no at all.

Be who you wanna be on the plane.

Like as long as you're not bothering anybody, you know.

July 4th I have a movie coming out called Space Cadet

on Amazon and it was one of those scripts that I read

and just fell madly in love with and wanted it so badly.

Like a year later I got a call that I got the part

and I was like, oh my god.

And it's written directed by Liz Garcia who is amazing

and I've wanted to work with her for like 10 years.

It's very like Legally Blonde meets Private Benjamin

kind of vibes about a party girl

who accidentally fibs her way into NASA.

So I'm very, very excited for everybody to see that.

If I could take one person and fit them in my bag

and bring them with me everywhere, definitely my son.

But unfortunately my son will not sit still

'cause he's a 3-year-old boy and is faster than me

and I cannot keep up with him.

But I would bring him everywhere if I could

and if he would stop running away from me.

And then, I mean I would bring my sister with me everywhere,

which I do.

She's actually here, she's over there.

My sister is also my BFF, Grace.

And I always say to her, I wish I could just

put you in my suitcase and bring you everywhere with me.

Alright, well that was everything

that was in my bag/tote.

Thank you so much, Vogue.

And I'll talk to you guys soon, bye.

[upbeat music]