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What’s in Snoop Dogg’s Olympic Tote Bag? Skittles, Red Wine, and an Xbox Controller

What’s in Snoop Dogg’s Olympic Tote Bag? Skittles, Red Wine, and an Xbox Controller Director: Nikki Petersen Director Of Photography: Fyras Slaiman Editor: Tajah Smith Camera Operator: Katia Hamnane Gaffer: Sylvain Gabayet Audio: Kevin Gomes Dos Santos Production Coordinator: Ava Kashar Production Manager: Natasha Soto-Albors Line Producer: Romeeka Powell Senior Director, Production Management: Jessica Schier Assistant Editor: Fynn Lithgow Post Production Coordinator: Scout Alter Supervising Editor: Erica DeLeo Post Production Supervisor: Alexa Deutsch Associate Director, Post Production: Nicholas Ascanio Associate Talent Manager: Phoebe Feinberg Director, Content Production: Rahel Gebreyes Senior Director, Programming: Linda Gittleson VP, Video Programming: Thespena Guatieri

Released on 07/30/2024


What would I take to a desert Island?

First of all, I'm gonna bring a whole lot of water

and a knife so I can cut some cactus trees

and get some natural water.

I have to have some trees

to protect me from the sunlight, to have shade.

Some shade trees.


But these shade trees are different though.

You know what I'm talking about?

[Interviewer] Gotcha.


What up, Vogue?

It's Big Snoop DO double G.

We about to get off on the, what's in my Bag?

[upbeat music]

I'm in Paris doing color commentary for the Olympics.

Also hanging out, having a good time,

and bringing a little bit of Snoop Dogg flavor to Paris.

I love bags, backpack, handbag, hope bags.

I'm not gonna call it a man purse 'cause it ain't.

I think I got less than a thousand, more than 500,

because I always collect bags too.

And then like I went to the Olympic training facility

yesterday and I left with a couple of bags.

Like I'm gonna leave here with a couple of bags.

This shit heavy.

[upbeat music]

Cali red, 19 Crimes, Snoop Dogg edition.

Never leave home without it.

You never know when you want a glass of wine,

to recline, to relax.

Paris is a town that really appreciates wine,

so why not have my own wine bring and make everything fine.

Rap snacks, Snoop Dogg.

These are chips that you can eat whenever you just

want a little snack.

A little something to bite on.

These is cool.

See y'all ain't got these flavors over here,

so I had to make sure I brought my own flavors with me.

Oh, always gotta have some gin and juice.


Get your parents permission.


I mean what's understood, don't need to be explained.

Oh, this is nice.

This is some smell good.

And it's from Paris, Parfumes de Marly, so I can smell good.

I don't speak French, but I read French.

And this right here is some great unisex French cologne

slash perfume.

Give me your arm.

[Interviewer] Oh, I love that.

I knew you would.


Me and Paris have had a relationship

since the early nineties.

They've always been good to me.

They treated me with love and respect, appreciated my music.

I've always came out here and stood behind what was real.

I supported the people, whatever the cause was.

Certain things in the world are meant to be,

Snoop Dogg and Paris, France, have always been meant to be.

Okay, let's make it make sense.

See this right here.

This is my Xbox controller.

While I'm on the road, I've been playing a whole lot

of NCA 25 and I'll be playing a whole lot of Madden 25.

But this right here, never leave home without this.

This is more important than breathing.

This is more important than water.

This is life.

I don't wanna say I'm too good,

but bring somebody over that wanna play.

I could show you better than I could tell you.

'Cause you know what?

I'm like EA Sports, I'm in the game.

What else I got in here?

Oh this, y'all gonna like this.

My favorite European snack, you would never guess it.

A Biscoff.

This mother fucker right here is bomb.

I go to the airport and I steal about 50 of 'em

and I make 'em, bring me more.

Whatever this flavor is, y'all got this down to a science.

Biscoff, I never come to Europe without getting these.

I get the munchies baby.

It's the thing in my bag

that keeps me always wanting snacks.

It's the munchie getter.

But I'm not gonna show you that.

I'm gonna show you some more snacks.

Skittles, it don't matter what side it's on,

I'm gonna eat 'em regardless.

And I'm really watching my cholesterol right now.

I got some things to do out here in these Olympics,

I'm trying to get a world record of my own

in certain events.

I'll be in the Olympics for basketball.

I'll be playing one-on-one.

I'll be in the Olympics for the 200 meters

and for the 25 meter freestyle swimming event.

Oh, I train probably once a year.

But the thing is my training is exceptional

because I'm one of those athletes

that is born to be wild.

I was trained to go.

You can't have all that

without having some of this right here.

Euros, Euros, Euros, Euros, Euros.

Do you know where they're selling happiness?

I'd love to buy some.

[Interviewer] Biscoffs are happiness.


I mean, everything I do is fun and crazy and unexpected.

You should hang out with us.

It's never a dull moment.

We always got so much excitement going on.

[upbeat music]

I'm like the clown on stage

that just keep pulling stuff outta his hat, huh?

Watch this.

The old iPad.

So I can be on the road and be mobile and watch fights.

I can be updated on what's going on in America,

what's going on around the world, the world trade,

the trickle down theory.

I love to watch good sports from the areas that I'm in.

So whatever country that I'm in,

I tend to wanna watch that sport

so I can get in tune with what's going on.

I love the French International Soccer Team.

I love watching them whenever they're in the World Cup,

whenever they have exhibition games.

Y'all had some good players.

Good players, that's when I used to come out here a lot.

Those guys would show up to some of the concerts

and we was big fans of theirs.

When I'm traveling, I love to listen to a lot

of good old school R and B music.

Music from an era that they express love

and they express emotions and heartfelt songs,

great instrumentation, musicianship,

makes me feel like I'm actually inside of a movie scene.

Okay, I got this too.

I gotta have my jewelry piece with me.

This right here is the goat.

Get a closeup of that.

See that's the goat.

Greatest of all time.

Take the goat everywhere I go.

Just to remind me of who I am.

Well, I wanted to design something

that was different than everybody else's idea

of what jewelry should look like.

And this goat is what I proclaim myself

to be, the greatest of all time.

So I wanted to make a goat

that had great symbolization up under his neck.

Gold horns with the blue diamond in the middle of his head,

and then put that gold beard on him.

He looks the part and he plays the part, that's the goat.

It's all about the outfit.

The bag and the outfit has to coordinate.

Everything has to go together.

One thing about me is everything has to be uniform.

It has to feel like it's together.

If you notice this bag and this suit,

they go together.

Like Biscoff and coffee.

I got one more thing I got in my bag that I can show you.

And it's a very important piece.

This right here, this is my stocking cap.

Whenever I'm having a bad hair day,

I just put this on my hair and voila,

I look like a million bucks.

I remember my mother used to wear these stockings

back in the days,

but then we flipped them and put 'em on our head.

One thing about the Olympics is

that it brings everybody together, all countries together,

all people together through competition.

But peace and love is the end goal.

We come to have a great time

and we plan to leave on a good time.

And that's what the Olympics is about.

And that's what this bag represents.

Peace, love, and me being out here.

The thing that I'm most excited to see is horses.

Horses, I wanna see the equestrian. I wanna see the versa.

Is that what they say? Verssage?

Dressage, verssage, massage.

I'm never wrong.

I wanna see the Jamaican track stars.

I wanna see the Australian swimmers.

I wanna see the gymnasts from other countries.

But I'm most excited to see break dancing,

since it's the first time that it's been actually entered

into a competition in the Olympics.

So I'm anxious to see what the performers

and the dancers are going to do

representing their countries.

Considering that I am hip hop and I do know what hip hop

and break dancing is supposed to look like.

So I'm happy that the Olympics is finally paying tribute

to hip hop and allowing it to be a sport.

Vogue, you have been hanging out

with the one and the only Big Snoop DO double G.

And I wanna thank y'all

for checking out what's inside my bag.

[upbeat music]