Blake Lively Makes Her Signature Key Lime Pie—And Talks Playing Lily Bloom In It Ends With Us
The September issue featuring Blake Lively is here! Secure your copy and get this season's tote. SUBSCRIBE NOW
Director: Nina Ljeti
Director Of Photography: Brandon Yoon
Editor: Katie Wolford
Producers: Gigi Chavarria, Naomi Nishi
Associate Producer: Lea Donenberg
Associate Producer, On Set: Lyla Neely
Assistant Camera: Alexis Aguilar
Gaffer: Réal Gill
Audio: Lily van Leeuwen
Food Stylist: Jeannie Chen
Set Designer: Victoria Ochoa Arce
Production Assistant: Quinton Johnson
Stylist: Tonne Goodman
Makeup Artist: Kristofer Buckle
Hair Stylist: Jennifer Yepez
Nail Artist: Mei Kawajiri
Blake Lively wears a 16Arlington dress
Production Coordinator: Ava Kashar
Production Manager: Natasha Soto-Albors
Line Producer: Romeeka Powell
Senior Director, Production Management: Jessica Schier
Assistant Editor: Andy Morell
Color: Oliver Eid
Audio Mix: Nick Cipriano, BANG
Post Production Coordinator: Scout Alter
Supervising Editor: Erica DeLeo
Post Production Supervisor: Alexa Deutsch
Associate Director, Post Production: Nicholas Ascanio
Entertainment Director: Sergio Kletnoy
Director, Content Production: Rahel Gebreyes
Senior Director, Programming: Linda Gittleson
VP, Digital Video English: Thespena Guatieri
Released on 08/06/2024
My coffee cup's good.
There's no branding, there's no name.
It's okay, people drink.
I need coffee, I got four kids.
It took me to make a key lime pie at one in the afternoon
and a gown without a secret coffee hidden here.
You guys are nuts.
[upbeat music]
Hello, Vogue.
I am Blake.
Welcome to not my kitchen,
but we're gonna pretend it's my kitchen today
as I take over and make you a key lime pie.
And then also my special secret lemonade recipe,
which won't be a secret anymore after today.
So let's get started.
So for the crust, we have graham crackers,
we have macadamia nuts, an egg bourbon, vanilla extract,
and then just like a flaky sea salt.
Oh, butter.
Goodness gracious.
The most important ingredient is butter, salted butter.
I don't mess with unsalted butter.
I would love to tell you the amount
and the quantity that I use for my recipe,
but it's really to taste, just pay really close attention.
And then guess.
So I like to do my graham crackers and my nuts in batches
so that it can stay light and fluffy
and it doesn't get oily.
This is such an aggressive food processor.
Food is probably the most central part of my life.
Food and family, but those are completely intertwined
because food was so important to me growing up
because my mom is an amazing cook.
So this is my version of my mom's recipe,
but really when she gave it to me,
I realized it was just a lemon icebox pie recipe
that she added lime to.
Oh, it's just so divine.
My gosh, this is not my food processor.
What is happening here?
Hold on, I got this.
Nope, I got it.
It's okay.
Almost there guys.
[upbeat music]
These are macadamia nuts by the way.
So I'm probably gonna use, what's that?
A tablespoon and a half.
Okay, whoop.
I'm doing more now.
Let's say two tablespoons for now.
I don't know.
So now I'm probably at three tablespoons, four.
We're gonna say four tablespoons of macadamia nuts.
This is not a tablespoon, I'm lying to you guys.
Now, we're gonna add butter.
This right here is not gonna be enough.
We're gonna put this in and then movie magic's gonna happen
and more butter is going to appear.
That's looking good.
You know, it's like you can grab chunks of it.
Now, we're gonna do an egg.
This is too moist.
I need more graham cracker.
You guys, I'm gonna make a recipe with quantities.
I'll sneak it in.
Nobody needs to know that.
We're gonna be like, perfect.
This was perfect.
No, we'll tell the truth.
Now, I'm gonna add a little sea salt too, like a fat pinch.
And then now I'm gonna do another fat pinch.
This is the most chaotic recipe.
At least I know when I die, my kids will really miss me
'cause they're never gonna be able to recreate this.
Let's try it.
That's really good now.
I'm very much a perfectionist,
and my mom would always say to me, you can't mess it up.
And as somebody who feels
like they can really mess things up a lot all the time,
because even when I do something
that's feels like the best I can do it,
I still feel like, oh, no, I could do it better.
Part of growing up has been learning
like you can mess it up, and that's okay.
And here's my pie crust.
We're gonna throw this in the freezer.
Sorry, we're not gonna throw this in the freezer.
We're gonna throw this in the oven on 350
for like eight to 10 minutes.
So the best part of cooking in the Vogue Kitchen
is when you walk away to the oven, you come back
and all your ingredients are laid out for you
and your new appliances are there.
So I think I actually might cook here more often.
Okay, so we are going to make the filling now.
And the filling consists of lemon, lime, sour cream.
This is cool whip.
I don't know what cool whip is.
I'm not gonna question it, It's a genius invention.
This is sweetened condensed milk, heavy whipping cream.
And then this is Jello vanilla pudding mix.
Oh, and Graham Marnier.
Oh, my gosh, that's really important.
That's that.
We are going to start with the whipping cream.
And so you just whip this up.
[upbeat music]
Oh, look how pretty that looks.
My gosh.
It's like the opening of Willy Wonka.
This is really the only reason I'm here
is to talk about food.
I don't wanna talk about myself,
but I do wanna talk about heavy whipping cream.
It's the oven, my pie's ready?
Gimme a moment.
It Ends With Us I'm so proud of,
it was the most all consuming film
I've ever been a part of on camera and off camera.
And because of that, it is so deeply personal to me.
The book that Colleen wrote resonated with so many people
for so many years.
So to be able to take on a character
and to step into a film that means so much
was a great responsibility
that I didn't take lightly.
This lemon is too big to fit the right way.
So we're gonna do it upside down 'cause you just improvise.
I feel like this is gonna end up on OnlyFans,
like me leaning over chest falling out,
squeezing this lemon.
This is not suitable for work.
So for It Ends With Us
I really like the way my husband dresses
and I also really love the way Gigi Hadid dresses,
which is, you know, an odd mashup.
I'm sure, I think that the wardrobe
was a really critical part of that storytelling.
And I'm really, really proud of it.
But I'm wearing like a ton of like Bodhi, and vintage
and it's some of my favorite wardrobe I've ever worn.
It's just like so expressive and eclectic,
and really gives you such a sense of the character.
I'm gonna try to squeeze this giant lemon
one more time.
You guys, I'm gonna invest in a juicer for you guys
for the next unsuspecting Vogue Chef.
Be back.
So here's our delicious pie crust.
Nice and golden.
It's not shiny or greasy.
You're gonna have three levels of this pie
from most potent to least potent.
So this is gonna be our base level,
so it's gonna be our most potent,
and then we'll dilute it with the whipped cream as we go.
Okay, so now I'm gonna add zest.
I'm making this good 'cause I'm gonna take it home.
My kids are like, wait, you're making what today?
You know, in the past handful of years
I found myself really leaning into creating products
and building and developing something
while getting to be around my children
because I get to define my hours versus on a film,
you're working 16 or 18 hours a day in Budapest
or Capri, which is amazing.
But you know, it's a different lifestyle.
I didn't wanna miss it,
I didn't wanna have regrets.
So I have lemons and lime zest
and it is way too potent now,
which is exactly what it should be.
This, I gotta put this in the freezer.
I should have done that like 10 minutes ago, 20 minutes ago.
But it's gonna be fine.
I'm gonna put this in the freezer
and I'll make a drink in the meantime.
When we wait for it to freeze.
Drinks time,
I am in a household with people of all different ages,
all different preferences.
So it's easy if you just create a base
and then sort of modify per people's preferences.
Okay, so I filled this with ice.
And then we have Betty Buzz.
These are the Lemon Lime Club sodas.
My secret ingredients are bourbon, vanilla extract,
butter extract, and bourbon smoked sugar.
The other secret thing that I do is lemonade lemons,
but I use Meyer lemons as well.
And then I'll use a little bit of orange.
Okay, I'm gonna start squeezing these
for the next 45 minutes because we don't have a juicer.
I just did the September issue of Vogue,
which is so surreal.
I am so grateful and so honored
and so proud to be on this issue.
Anna Winter, who I've known for many, many years
and has been a supporter of mine since I came to New York,
she said to me,
Okay, do you wanna do this with Baz Luhrmann?
And I am his biggest fan.
I mean Baz, you can see through his movies.
He's all love, he loves that couch, he loves the hair,
he loves this person's outfit, he loves the smells.
And when somebody walks into a room
looking for all the things they love
versus all the things they don't like or wanna change,
it makes everyone feel their best.
And I just think that like that principle
is just a great thing to carry with you
even outside of the work.
[upbeat music]
It's gonna be very potent.
But we're gonna see, oh, my God, that is so good.
Oh, my God.
[upbeat music]
So we have our concentrate.
We are going to put our ice here.
So I'm gonna put a little bit like this
and then I'm gonna pour a little bit of this,
and then I could do a cocktail version.
I'm gonna do Betty Buzz on this one too
because I think with a cocktail,
it's better if it's sparkling.
So we'll mix this in and then I always just eyeball it.
Like I said, I'm not a drinker, so I do it to flavor.
So I'm gonna do, is that a lot?
Is that a little?
I don't know, but I know what it's gonna taste like
and it's gonna be great.
That was too much alcohol.
Okay, here's what we're gonna do.
We're gonna cheat.
We're gonna go like this.
This whole like you can't mess it up thing is a lie.
You can mess it up, but you can adapt.
There we go.
And I think that should be good.
So you've got a cocktail and you've got a mocktail.
So, yeah, someone should try these.
I feel like I need an on-camera reaction.
Come in here.
Wow, that's really good.
Can I taste?
You should try that one.
Did you try?
I need a cup, I'm out.
We made our drinks.
Our pie crust froze.
It's not frozen, it's just cold.
So now we're gonna prep our pie.
I've somehow made a 15-minute pie take four hours.
My kids aren't normally interviewing me while I make food.
So it normally goes faster than this.
So you're just gonna fold.
Oh, I would say like one spoonful and a half.
That's not a spoonful, that's a spatula full.
So you see it's like a little bit more
like whipped of a texture now,
that's what you want for your second layer.
You're just gonna pour it right on top.
And now our final layer is mostly whipped cream.
It just finished filming A Simple Favor too
We shot in Capri and Rome.
I mean, I really questioned every life choice
I've ever made when I was in Capri.
I thought, do I live here now?
Do I need to blow up my whole life
and move my family to Capri?
It was such a special experience on the first film
and to get everyone back together again,
it's such a special group.
And Paul Feig, our director is again
like speaking about whipped cream chunks in my hair.
This is like the PG version of,
There's Something About Mary,
it's just whipped cream guys.
But Paul Feig is just like he brings out the best
in everyone.
He really like encourages us to go wild.
And like, who knows, for better or worse,
this movie is wild.
Okay, I'm gonna show you this.
This is what my mom calls the S's.
You wanna with your spatula make S's
and it just makes it look really beautiful.
So you do that and then to garnish it, you just cut slices.
Someone pre-cut slices for me
'cause I think they're like, get outta here.
You are taking too long.
You know how to cut slices, just cut 'em thin.
And then I pull the twist wide.
Okay, and then you cut a little heart.
One person I wish I could cook a meal for?
I mean really my mom,
she's the reason that I associate food with love.
Being able to cook for her
and her to think something is delicious
is genuinely like the best reward.
Here we go.
It's a little squishy because it's not frozen yet.
Okay, I'm gonna tilt it.
It's not gonna fall out, ready?
You gotta tilt down with me now, Brandon, don't leave me.
No, go now.
Go now.
All the way down, ready?
1, 2, 3, boom.
It's gonna fall out.
Okay, let's freeze this baby.
We have our frozen key lime pie.
Like a miracle, it froze overnight.
So let's dig in.
We're also gonna cheers for this dog on Hair Car Company,
Blake Brown, which I clearly need
with all of this whipped cream in my hair.
But it is just been such a labor of love
and I'm so proud of it.
And you can see
that it's actually like not that different than how I cook.
It's the layering of all of the different elements
for formula, but also for for flavor.
So I put a lot of love and care into everything I do
and I'm really, really excited for people to try.
So here we go, oh, it's good.
That was amazing.
Thank you Vogue for having me.
Good luck trying this at home.
No, really like genuinely at me.
If you can pull this thing off
with the crazy chaotic recipe that I just gave you.
Thanks for sticking with me through the chaos and cheers.
Oh, my God.
Eat now.
Yeah, you guys coming.
I gotta make you the perfect, you want some?
[upbeat music]
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