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The Stark Family Takes Vogue Inside The Very Rock ’n’ Roll Chrome Hearts Factory in Los Angeles

Director: Nina Ljeti Director of Photography: Stephen Tringali Editor: Estan Esparza Producer: Gigi Chavarria Associate Producer: Lea Donenberg Associate Producer, on-set: Emebeit Beyene Assistant Camera: Melanie Adams Gaffer: Bailey Clark Sound: Gloria Marie Production Assistants: Brock Spitaels, Daniel Neumann Production Coordinator: Ava Kashar Production Manager: Natasha Soto-Albors Line Producer: Romeeka Powell Senior Director, Production Management: Jessica Schier Assistant Editor: Billy Ward Post Production Coordinator: Ian Bryant Supervising Editor: Erica DeLeo Post Production Supervisor: Alexa Deutsch Director, Content Production: Rahel Gebreyes Senior Director, Programming: Linda Gittleson Executive Producer: Ruhiya Nuruddin VP, Digital Video English: Thespena Guatieri

Released on 07/17/2024



Frankie Belle, will you come show your boots?

[Mom humming]

We have the pink and we have the black.

Thank you.

[jazzy music]

Hi, Vogue.

We are the women of Chrome Hearts.

Come with us to see our objects of affection.

[jazz music continues]

We are at the factory of Chrome Hearts

in the middle of Hollywood.

It dubs as a workspace, a art studio of photography, dance.

I rehearse here.

I think we're just in a kind

of big, artistic zone for everybody.

Just all a family affair.

I would say I have a knack for curating

a very home environment.

[Jesse] The stapler, the rat trap, the tape dispenser,

like, everything's pretty chromed out.

We physically built everything.

So it went from tiny, little studio to a big factory.

[jazzy music continues]

This is a time when I went to Baldassari's private studio

where he was doing his 2019 series.

I had dreamed my whole life

of having a Baldassari from the '70s.

Finally when I got it, I wanted to meet him

and go to his studio.

He told me he would take a photo if I picked my nose

because he's known for the nose.

So I said sure, and that is this photo

almost picking my nose.

It was a really interesting afternoon.

We spent the whole time at his studio

just him and I photographing.

And he died not shortly after.

So it is very meaningful to me,

our time together which was brief

and the fact that I do own one of his pieces.

[jazzy music resumes]

My next object of affection is European porcelain

from around the world.

My grandmother used to serve me tea

so I'd decided that was something

of my childhood I wanted to carry through.

Her mom would always serve us tea.

Four o'clock tea.

And then she always serves us tea

so I feel like it's a really girly thing

that happens in our family.

And my dad makes all the girls tea every single night

for as long as I can remember.

It's a Dutch thing.

[upbeat jazzy music]

These are crystals that I collect.

Each was collected in different parts of the world

that are again picked

and traveled with me to different places.

The crystals have come to me at different times of my life

usually by feeling.

And these particular colors are representative

of all the chakras.

The functionality of each chakra is different.

So let's say this is your throat chakra, blue.

It's your voice.

So if I'm feeling like I can't, you know, speak my mind

I'm gonna touch that more.

[upbeat music resumes]

The object I'm going to show you today is

the first bag I ever designed.

After school when I was really little, I used to just come

to the factory, and I was with my best friend at the time.

And I didn't know how to sew, I didn't know what piping was.

I didn't know any of that.

My parents let me play with a bunch of scraps

and I stapled this bag.

And, I mean, I think this is a label maker

that says my best friend and my name on it.

Ever since I was a kid, I was obsessed with my parents.

They were my super heroes.

Wanted to be just like them, wanted to design.

Anything they did, I wanted to do.

Wait, I was literally gonna cry.

She came in and she was so proud of this bag.

And remember at the time, her dad was like, anti-color.

It was black leather or no.

We're never gonna sell color, never gonna do bags.

So two things, she did a bag in color.

So to me, it was like, yes, that's my girl.

My girl, yeah.

That's my girl, she's a rebel.

[jazzy music]

This is another object that I wanted to share.

I think it's the first Chrome Hearts coffin.

I had asked for a table and instead

I have received a jewelry box that my dad designed

for me for a special birthday.

And I keep all my goodies and notes

and good vibes in here.

I keep notes from old lovers and new lovers

and bass players and friends.

My monster puppets, which are vital to my living.

I keep everything my friends give me and my parents

and things that make me feel like at home.

I like to have one place to go

because I'm always traveling, I'm always touring.

I know if I go in here, I'm gonna find everything

I wanna maybe bring, like pictures of my dog and I

and I'll put 'em in all my dressing rooms.

This is Billy, love of my life.

These are her ashes.

Only the finest for her in a Chrome Hearts fragrance bottle.

[rock music]

My favorite object of affection, my Sugar Jones boots.

My stage boots.

They're my second skin.

I don't play a show without them

and I apps can't go anywhere without them.

I originally designed these with my friend, Chris

who's a show maker.

He's fabulous.

We went back and forth and I just knew I wanted

to feel like a feline on stage

and be able to stomp and feel powerful.

And I didn't have that shoe yet.

I wanted to create my own, I wanted it to hug me.

And I wanted them in every color

so this is what they ended up looking like.

This was my first pair I ever made.

They weren't even technically Chrome Hearts yet.

They were just for me.

And it was the first tour I was ever gonna go on.

And I was opening up for the Vaccines

and I made these.

They took, like, three months.

I was so excited.

This was the first pair and then my friends started

to kind of get a little annoyed

that they couldn't own 'em, so I made 'em for Chrome Hearts.

It's actually mandatory that everyone wears Sugar Jones

in the Chrome Hearts factory

so I'm gonna show 'em really quick.


Frankie Belle, will you come show your boots?

[Frankie Belle humming]

We have the pink and we have the black.

[upbeat jazzy music]

This is our newspaper print for our first bikini

that was, like, super sentimental to us.

An we put our own photos on the newspaper

and then a bunch of sayings

that we'd always said growing up.

And then all the small, little letters

are my sister's lyrics.

She's always said never grow up, don't rush it.

I think at first I wanted to grow up quicker

so I could hang out with her and her friends.

As I got older, I really believed in never grow up

and, like, ran with that.

And so there's a little piece

of, like, everybody I love in this bikini.

As her older sister, honestly,

I just was waiting for her to be born

so I could have my best friend, my official best friend.

And now she's cooler than me.

And speaking of that, I have to go to rehearsal

so I love you, I'll let you take over.

Bye, mommy.

[Mom] Bye, sweetie.


[soft relaxing music]

This next object is

a vintage Harley Davidson zip-up hoodie

that means a lot to me.

It's one of the last things that I received

from my best friend.

I bring this jacket with me everywhere I go.

It's just like, something super comforting

for me to always have with me.

But it's so funny 'cause my friends borrow my clothes

all the time and a lot of people always wanna take this.

And I'm like, Take it off.

Like, You have to leave it in there.

It's like the one thing I don't let anybody borrow.

But it's super cute.

[jazzy music]

All right, so this box has been with me

for a very long time.

I feel like it's one of the first things

that I remember getting.

I was around this age.

I don't remember, like, when I got this

but my sister gave it to me.

She always had blue hair.

I always wanted pink hair.

And then I ended up getting blue hair just like her.

And then inside here, just like, little things.

This is my first $2 bill that my Grandpa Larry gave me.

He collected $2 bills.

This is from my grandma.

It's her old perfume.

And there's just a bunch of other, like, photos.

This is one of my favorite rings ever.

It's a baccarat ring that my mom gifted to me.

And it matches with my grandma, sister, and my mom

and so it's just super, super, super beautiful.

That's the whole fam.

[relaxing jazzy music]

Thank you so much for coming along with us

around the factory, Vogue.

It was so fun and we hope to see you again.

[relaxing jazzy music continues]

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