Off the Cuff: Billie Eilish and Alex Wolff Talk First Red Carpet Looks, First Impressions, and Family
Released on 06/01/2024
It's more nerve wracking doing this with a friend
than it is not doing with a friend.
'Cause I'm like, I feel like you're like seeing me.
I love you so much.
I love you so much, this is so fun and so scary.
What's up, Vogue?
I'm Billie Eilish, this is-
And I'm Finneas O'Connell. Alex Wolff.
And we're gonna play Off The Cuff.
Off The Cuff.
Off the [beep].
How do we both know each other/how do you know me?
You know, it's the dating website
for people who are interested in farming,
saying that's how we initially met.
Well, I know that. Yeah.
My question, did you copy the style
of Alex Wolff from Naked Brothers Band?
And is that your fashion inspiration?
Guys, you have to pull up a photo
of little tiny Alex from The Naked Brothers Band.
You have to find one where he's wearing
my clothing.
But I was all the time. I know.
I was always wearing that,
and I kinda was trying to get back to it today,
I put like, I had a face in my pants.
When was the last time you were starstruck?
Other than meeting me.
Probably when I met you.
Seriously, seriously. Get the hell outta here.
I mean literally with you too.
Yeah, literally.
I mean I will go on record and say,
it is pretty crazy being friends with
who I really believe is the voice of our generation.
Oh my God, Alex. I really mean it.
So, just shut up.
Okay, moving on.
What's your current phone background?
It's Razzie.
Yeah, it's my girlfriend.
And we found a mural that said I love sluts,
and she posed next to it.
[Billie] Ah, I love that girl.
I just got these for you.
Wow. Yeah.
Don't smell 'em, don't smell 'em.
Okay, I won't, I won't. They have some really
poisonous, gaseous fumes coming off them.
You know what, can there be a rule
that when I'm speaking you're not playing with?
[Billie laughing]
Okay, go.
Do you think we could do that, or no?
I'm paying attention.
What sound or noise do you hate?
[Alex imitating buzzer buzzing]
[Billie laughing]
I mean this is more of a sensation,
but like, I rock climb, the sound of the chalk
rubbing between your fingers.
You don't like that? I don't like that.
You mean because it like crushes
and it's in little balls of it, okay.
It just like, ew- I know, it feels gross.
Like the feeling of chalk on my fingers
really, really bothers me. Me too.
I don't like the sound of like whoop on your phone,
like people's notifications.
[Billie imitating phone beeping]
Oh my God. I can't even.
Okay, I'm gonna say that, I think it's alarm,
is the thing. For me, that's the one.
Do you ever wake up to music?
Yeah, I've been doing that a lot.
It makes you hate the song-
But then the song, I hate the song.
[Billie sighing] I know.
But I've been listening to Flume-
What's your alarm right now? Bon Iver.
That's my alarm.
♪ I am my mother's only one ♪ ♪ I am my mother's only one ♪
You're gonna hate that song now.
I know.
Pick four dream guests to have at your dinner party.
Can be dead or alive.
You, Nat, Michael, and Polly.
[Alex and Billie laughing]
Okay, mine is Maggie, Patrick, Finneas, and Claudia.
Okay, let's move, what would be the next one?
So Nat's not there?
Oh, yeah Nat's not there, but I also didn't include you.
So it'll be another dinner and you weren't there-
Oh, oh, sure, okay, okay.
Yeah, 'cause it'd be a really interesting dinner.
Mhm, round two, personal questions.
Kay, okay, good.
Fill in the blank. Kay.
If you don't like blank, we can't be friends.
The Beatles.
I knew you were gonna say that.
I met someone who hates The Beatles,
and I didn't know how to look at them.
Yeah, it's weird, you just like-
Doesn't make sense.
It just feels like we don't connect then on a like a-
There's like a deep- Frequency.
Moral point of like- Yep.
Then what's going on?
There's an impasse.
Do you want this kind? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Okay, wait.
Ooh, I like this one. Okay.
What sound or noise do you love?
Um. Oh.
The sound of Billie's voice.
Shut up.
Thank you though. You know what else I love?
I love when a dog goes like.
[Alex imitating dog sighing]
Like when they're tired, and they had a long day.
[Billie laughing]
And they're sitting on the couch
and they go like- That's such a cute sound.
[Alex and Billie imitating dog sighing]
I like that. I love a dog sigh.
[Alex imitating dog sighing]
I love the sound of an engine starting.
[Alex imitating engine rumbling]
What kinda engine?
Motorcycle? Like a big one.
Like a big,
like someone's car. Car?
Engine, yeah.
But you don't like a motorcycle engine.
No. No.
So car. Car.
Okay, dream song collaboration.
Love it.
If you could send your 10-year-old self one message
from the future, what would that be?
I would say, you can and have and do
call Justin Bieber at any given time.
[Alex laughing]
Anytime you want, anytime you want, you can.
And he'll answer.
That is amazing. That's what I would say.
Dream director/actor collaboration?
I would love to work with Paul Thomas Anderson,
would love to work with Lynne Ramsay.
Mhm. She is amazing.
[Billie] Yeah.
And I'd love to be directed by
the Billie Pirate Eilish Baird O'Connell.
Yeah, I'll direct you, are you kidding me?
I would love it. I would literally die.
What's one skill you want to add to your repertoire?
I would like to be better at bowling,
because- Ooh.
When I go bowling. Same.
It's not that I'm bad, I'm not bad,
but I'm not good. You wanna be better.
And I would like to be really good at bowling.
I feel like you could be really good at bowling.
Yeah, I know, that's also the goal,
like I'm not gonna say like, I'd like to be like a pilot,
'cause like I know I couldn't fly a plane.
Like at my height, I could never fly a plane.
I could fly the fuck out of a plane.
And I would never get on that flight.
[Billie laughing]
I would like to be good at basketball.
But I'm gonna teach you-
I know you're gonna, you said you're gonna teach me.
I mean that, I'm gonna teach you, and I feel like
you got better even in that one time we were playing.
I thought I did, I think I'd be good, but I'm not.
What's something you wish you knew?
Look at how this is written.
Why is that one written
like a- I don't know.
Like you're held ransom. I don't know.
[Billie laughing]
Please return. Help, please help.
What's something you wish you knew
before you got into acting and music?
Okay, so answer. Is that the question?
That's for you, yes.
I wish that someone told me
there are a lot of ups and downs.
I think people are too afraid to tell you that
when things are going well, and I was a famous kid,
and then I was the least famous, ugliest preteen
that has ever lived. Yeah.
And I wish someone had been like,
Hey, this is going really well, you're a child,
it's about to get really gnarly.
And then it might come back again.
But not to take it for granted.
It breaks your heart when-
And you feel like it's all over, too.
Yeah, every time.
I bet you felt like it was over then too.
Well, yeah, I mean it was like,
it felt like it was obviously over.
[Billie] Yeah.
And then you're like,
what was over? Yeah.
And you're like, what, I'm getting to still do it.
And yeah, I'm ready for the next hard decline,
I'm always preparing.
Also, he's so fucking talented.
Me and his brother, Nat, talk about this a lot,
that this guy is like truly like musical genius,
like genuinely a genius walking in the room
that we are all in right now.
I look great with my shirt off.
Yeah, you do. Let's not forget that.
You also look great with your shirt off.
With my shirt off.
Favorite Vogue cover? Right.
Like what's the, that you were on the cover of.
Probably my British Vogue moment.
What's this?
[jazzy upbeat music]
It's- What is it?
That's definitely my Met Gala 2022 outfit.
Can I just say, I just love the way you kinda went,
You know what, I follow my artistic path.
[Billie laughing]
You just look elegant here.
Thanks so much, Alex. This is elegant.
Wait, let's see the real one.
It's too washed out, you can't see the tits.
What's your first-
It kinda looks like a corset a little bit,
it kinda looks like, is it a corset?
I can't see, it's so blown out, I can't see shit,
what is it?
Is it a corset, it is.
What's one BTS fact you can share
about A Quiet Place: Day One?
[Alex laughing]
Lupita Nyong'o gives probably
the most emotional performance in a movie of this size
in maybe like 20 years, she is-
Not surprising to me.
So good, it is, like, she is amazing.
So that is one fact about it,
and the other one is that I am in it.
Did you know that was gonna happen?
Nope, not 'til today.
When you were shooting, did you think you'd be in it?
No, when I was shooting, I honestly,
I thought I was background.
What is this image from?
[Billie laughing]
Oh no, what is it?
[Billie laughing]
Oh no, I think I know what it is.
Is that a picture of me- Oh my God, I literally.
In like a white suit with like a purple cravat?
Jesus Christ, I literally look like one of the Bee Gees.
but I have like a samurai.
You look like the sweetest little,
tiniest- Idiot.
Idiot I've ever seen. Jesus.
What about this one?
Oh, I know this one.
I know what that is too,
is that- This is the best.
Is that The Take Over, the Breaks Over?
I have such a good photo of you with this one.
This is when really things took off for me.
Ready, wa-pow!
That's me in The Take Over, the Breaks Over,
the Fall Out Boy music video.
And you know what, I'm the first guy from a music video
to be nominated for an Academy Award for that.
For this?
I was nominated for an Oscar.
What the fuck is going on, actually?
I'm just kidding, no.
What did you wear to your first ever red carpet?
I mean you saw it, I used to wear suits all the time,
and I'd wear, you know, a cravat.
What even was your first red carpet,
you've been doing them for so fucking long.
I went to the VMAs. Mhm.
And we pretended we were actually
going to the VMAs. Oh!
For a Naked Brothers Band episode
for the first Naked Brothers Band.
My first red carpet I wore like Air Force Ones.
What was it to?
It was to like a Teen, it was to a Teen Vogue party.
No way! Yeah.
My first red carpet.
Is there a fashion item you've always wanted to own,
but can't seem to get your hands on?
I always wanted Uggs when I was a kid,
but I don't wear-
You can't get your hands on Uggs?
Well, I just don't wear animal products like that.
Oh yeah, yeah.
But I loved them, they looked so cute.
Oh, whoa, here's one you didn't ask.
[Billie laughing]
What was your first impression of me?
Okay, well, I'm pretty sure I first saw you
in Hereditary. Mhm.
And I remember just being like, Sick!
That was it, that was like, it was like,
as soon as I saw him, I was like.
[Billie sighing]
And then my first real impression of you, when I met you,
was at the Oscars after party,
and I was sitting on the couch outside,
and you just appeared.
I dunno, it was just like an immediate,
I don't even know what we talked about,
but it was an immediate- I was like, Yo!
Like, We got Tourette's! I love you.
We got Tourette's,
and you know my brother. I love you.
And I was like. Yeah.
Yeah, and then Nat was there,
and then it was the three of us,
and then a couple of my friends,
and we just hung out all night.
[Alex] And went to a diner and stayed there.
But the first thing that happened
was you started dancing in front of me, and you,
and then you pulled out his nipple and then he was like.
Yeah. I have a video.
Yeah, I mean, yeah, definitely don't show that.
[Billie laughing]
Okay, lightning round. But since then,
okay, sorry.
No, go, since then what? So sorry.
I'm just really excited, no I was really excited.
Since then, I just,
I love you so much. I love you so much.
You've made my life
so much better. I know, same.
And your family is literally the greatest thing
that's ever happened to me.
My dad has Tourette's, me and my brother have Tourette's,
it's super cool to have, Billie's got Tourette's,
and we're like very hyper
and I think I've always felt a little like too much.
And then I think I met you-
Finally met people that- And it was like, Whoa.
I was like, you're as, we're so together, it's like.
[Alex imitating explosion booming]
Well, and also the fact that we're doing this together,
I feel like if you were watching, you'd be like,
Oh, like they know each other probably,
but they're both in the industry
and so like, it makes sense.
But like, no, no, like Alex is like
the person I see like the most.
[Billie and Alex laughing]
[jazzy music]
What's been your favorite vintage purchase?
Mm, I don't know. Okay.
[Alex laughing]
Who wore it best?
[jazzy upbeat music]
Should I pull up the photo? Yeah.
Do you have it? Yeah.
Such a crazy edit.
[jazzy upbeat music]
But, out of these two, who wore it best?
You, of course. Thank God.
Not even close. Okay, go.
You look awesome.
Round four, pop quiz, lightning round.
Okay, you go first, you're first.
New York or LA, for you it's New York,
I know that. Okay.
Blur or Oasis, you're gonna pick Blur.
Yeah, I'm gonna pick Blur. Yeah.
Go-to comfort food?
Banana chips.
[Billie laughing] Perfect, banana chips.
Banana chips,
that's my go-to. Pickles.
And pickles. Pickles.
Together, in a sandwich. Mhm.
So this is a serious question,
what was I made for?
I think you were made for
making people's lives so much better.
[Alex and Billie laughing]
I think that everyone that knows you,
you are a large part of why their life is good.
I think that you were also made
for bringing something into the world
that the world did not have.
So, ask me what you were made for.
What was I made for?
Wearing literally the coolest hats ever.
You were brought on the planet to be the voice
and messenger of everyone's emotions in our generation.
I think you are the emotional compass
of where everybody's at, emotionally, in the world,
which is a huge burden, but I think that you carry it.
Okay, sweet or salty?
Sweet, for you.
I love salty, though. Yeah.
But yeah, I think sweet.
Hats or sunglasses?
How often do you see me wear hats and/or sunglasses?
You never wear sunglasses.
It's neither.
You neither, I was gonna say.
I don't wear shit. It's not really neither.
Overdressed or underdressed?
[Billie laughing]
No, the thing about you is,
it's never underdressed or overdressed.
You decide what's cool, that's what's so cool about you
is you basically walk in and you're like,
Hey, this is what's cool right now.
It's true.
Thanks, Alex.
Even though you know I object
to you wearing- You're so cool.
The glasses that don't have a prescription in them,
you know that.
Now or later?
Let's go. Duh.
[Billie laughing]
Yes or no?
Yes. Yes.
Always yes. Yes.
Yes, yes, yes. Yes!
Yes, we did it!
You're so strong.
[Billie laughing]
Hi, you're watching.
[jazzy upbeat music]
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