Olivia Cheng of Dauphinette Is the Winner of the CFDA & Genesis House AAPI Design + Innovation Grant

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Steven Kolb, Olivia Cheng, Rachel EspersenZach Hilty/BFA.com

Now armed with an additional $60,000 in prize money to further her brand, Cheng has a fire under her with what she can do with her beloved retail space. “I’m not showing this season, I took a year off to re-focus,” she said. “When I first opened my store, all I thought about was the creative vision and the ‘floral wonderscape’ of it—now I’m thinking about how to make it more efficient as a retail space and an experience."

“I haven’t won anything since the fourth grade,” Cheng added (it’s worth noting that the humble young designer’s work has already been purchased by The Met for the Costume Institute’s permanent collection.) “I said whoever wins, we will take the others to a really nice dinner—not KFC! I’m sure Bach has some Michelin-starred restaurants on his list, so there goes one-third of the money,” she laughed. “No, I promise I’m good with money…I’ll use it wisely!”

Ahead of the NYFW calendar, the achievements of Cheng, Bach Mai, and Kozaburo Akasaka were toasted by the industry at Genesis House on 10th Avenue in Chelsea over traditional Korean staples from the in-house fine dining restaurant. Among those who turned out to support and clink a glass in their honor were Nicole Miller, Andrew Kwon, Lauren Levison, Casey Kohlberg, Victoria Brito, Jodie Chan, Natalie Lim Suarez, and Yao King, who recently hosted the first-ever AAPI Emerging Designers table at the CFDA Awards this past November.