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Inside Vogue World Paris

Director: Loïc Prigent Producers: Natacha Morice and Loic Prigent Production Coordinator: Rafaële Nix Secondi Editor: Axel Robin-Tellier Camera: Loic Prigent / Albert Oziouls / Raul Cabrera Sound: Clément Duché / Jean Nicolas Buonavista Graphic Design: Suzy Chatellier Post Production: Julie Lacor Sound Mix: TBC Colorist: Victor Bonnard Archives Courtesy of Balenciaga / Courtesy of Chloé / Courtesy of Mugler / Courtesy of Lanvin Héritage Music: AudioNetwork / Epidemic Sound © DERALF 2024

Released on 11/01/2024


[Simon speaks in foreign language]

♪ Let's go now ♪

So beautiful.

[rapper raps in foreign language]

[people cheering]

That looks great.

[rapper raps in foreign language]

[Maluma speaks in foreign language]

[people cheering]

[people chattering]

And like a lady.

[all laughing]

[people cheering]

[Amelia gasps] I love this dress.

[rapper raps in foreign language]

Welcome to Vogue World.

♪ Pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, Paris ♪

[people speaking in foreign language]

[upbeat synth music]

[Narrator] A few years ago, Vogue had a crazy idea.

The magazine team wanted to explore

new ways of telling fashion stories.

Coming out of the pandemic, they all felt it was important

to do that, whatever it was gonna be, in person.

And they thought, why not a fashion show?

We could take the best collections

of the season and give them a location,

a cast, an editorial point of view.

And that became Vogue World: New York.

The year after, Vogue World went to London.

The show celebrated theater

and raised more than 1.5 million pounds

for non-profit performing art groups.

[lively synth music]

And this year, on June 23rd, 2024,

Vogue's most ambitious idea yet,

which is to celebrate a century of French fashion

and sport in the heart of Paris in the Place Vendome.

The Place Vendome is Anna Wintour's idea,

and ever since it entered the conversation,

every other location in Paris seemed second-best.

Ticket sales will fund the non-profit Secours Populaire

in providing sports equipment to young athletes.

Iconic fashion experts Carine Roitfeld

and Ib Kamara will style the parade.

Alexandre Samson, a renowned fashion historian

at the Palais Galliera in Paris,

created the historic dresses that will highlight the show.

Superstar Parris Goebel will choreograph, and of course,

Anna Wintour will supervise, like, everything,

encourage, like, everyone.

[Anna speaks in foreign language]

[people cheering]

This is Inside Vogue World: Paris.

[drum bangs]

[optimistic orchestral music]

[interviewer speaks in foreign language]

[Thomas speaks in foreign language]

[interviewer speaks in foreign language]

[Thomas speaks in foreign language]

[Thomas continues speaking in foreign language]

Go down in history.

[upbeat jazz music]

[Thomas speaks in foreign language]

[camera clicks]

[camera clicks]

[camera clicks]

[camera clicks]

[camera clicks]

[camera clicks]

[Thomas speaks in foreign language]

[dramatic orchestral music]

[clock ticks] ♪ Pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, Paris ♪

[lively percussion music]

[siren wails] [people chattering]

[contemplative synth music]

[people chattering]

[iron hisses]

[Thomas speaks in foreign language]

[interviewer speaks in foreign language]

[Thomas speaks in foreign language]

[interviewer speaks in foreign language]

[Thomas speaks in foreign language]

[interviewer speaks in foreign language]

[Carine speaks in foreign language]

[contemplative orchestral music]

[camera clicks]

[Alexandre speaks in foreign language]

[Carine speaks in foreign language]

[Alexandre speaks in foreign language]

[interviewer laughs]

[dramatic orchestral music] [people chattering]

Did you see that walk?

I do this for a living.

[interviewer laughs]

[interviewer speaks in foreign language]

[stylist speaks in foreign language]

[stylist laughs]

[Interviewer] What's the message of Vogue World for you?

We were always very interested in this idea of unity

and people coming together, and there's so many people,

like it's almost 500 people on stage,

and Paris is the capital of fashion, right?

And I think that what we're trying to do is gonna show

that fashion can live in the streets in a different way

and be a little bit more joyful.

[dramatic orchestral music] [people chattering]

[Carine] She know how to do it.

We need music for you.

I feel like one of the models from the '70s

because I look at those videos all the time,

and to see them walk and swing their arms and have

so much personality, it's like I'm reliving this moment,

to channel them and their energy. [laughs]


[dramatic orchestral music]

[clock ticks] ♪ Pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, Paris ♪

[lively percussion music]

[singer raps in foreign language]

[instructor speaks in foreign language]

[Guillaume speaks in foreign language]

Okay, first positions.

Okay, music.

[Bad Bunny sings in foreign language]

Real high!


[camera whirs]

Last time, go!

Finish it, five, six!

Thank you guys.

[people applauding]

[Guillaume speaks in foreign language]

Hop two and uh.

So everybody go down on your left and up with your right.

On you, yeah, seven, one and two and three

and four and five and six and seven, eight, yeah.

[interviewer speaks in foreign language]

[Valentin speaks in foreign language]

[Daniel speaks in foreign language]

So we're not far back enough, so when we preset,

let's be a little bit further forward

'cause we were kind of behind the audience.

Do you wanna go one more time?

Yeah. Yes, yes.

[Parris] It's gonna work, ready?

[Daniel speaks in foreign language]

[upbeat synth music]

[Parris] Five, six, face the front.

[metal clangs]

Okay, stop.

[Valentin speaks in foreign language]

[Parris] But maybe when you get

to the ground, you start turning.

[Valentin speaks in foreign language]

[Daniel speaks in foreign language]

You okay to do one like solo or you wanna do together?

Together, if you want choreography-

[Boubou] Together at the same time

or one solo, what do you prefer?

If you need choreography, I mean, create choreo.

What do you prefer?

[clock ticks] [people chattering]

[bell chimes]

[choreographers laughing]

My brain's gonna explode.

Give me five minutes to think about it.

Can you give me that?

Yes, no problem. You promise?

[laughs] Yes.

Where's your pinky?

[Boubou giggles] I'll be back.

[Boubou laughs] Yeah.

[Boubou speaks in foreign language]

[clock ticks] ♪ Pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, Paris ♪

[contemplative synth music]

[people chattering]

[interviewer speaks in foreign language]

[Brice speaks in foreign language]

[interviewer speaks in foreign language]

[Brice speaks in foreign language]

[dramatic orchestral music]

[interviewer speaks in foreign language]

[Elisabeth speaks in foreign language]

[interviewer speaks in foreign language]

[Elisabeth speaks in foreign language]

[interviewer speaks in foreign language]

[Elisabeth laughs]

[interviewer speaks in foreign language]

[Elisabeth speaks in foreign language]

[interviewer speaks in foreign language]

[Elisabeth speaks in foreign language]

[interviewer speaks in foreign language]

[Elisabeth speaks in foreign language]

[interviewer gasps]

[interviewer speaks in foreign language]

[Elisabeth speaks in foreign language]

[descending orchestral music]

[Elisabeth laughs]

[interviewer speaks in foreign language]

[Elisabeth speaks in foreign language]

[people laughing]

[Elisabeth speaks in foreign language]

[optimistic orchestral music]

[clock ticks] ♪ Pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, Paris ♪

[lively percussion music]

[dramatic orchestral music]

Wow. It is couture.

This is insane, from the '20s.

Hi, hi, how are you?

What a surprise, I had no idea.

[gasps] You guys, thank you.

'20s Chanel? Gorge.

Sorry. Beautiful.

I'm like, pinch me everywhere, please and thank you.

[all laughing]

[interviewer speaks in foreign language]

[Elisabeth speaks in foreign language]

[interviewer speaks in foreign language]

[Elisabeth speaks in foreign language]

[Elisabeth laughs]

You made it?

[stylist speaks in foreign language]

[Elisabeth speaks in foreign language]

[all laughing]

Oh, merci.

[Elisabeth speaks in foreign language]

I only know how to say cute. [speaks in foreign language]

Oh, merci, I'm honored.

[Elisabeth speaks in foreign language]

And a pleasure for me to wear it.

Aw! [camera clicks]

[upbeat synth music]

[Interviewer] What's the mission today?

Today's to get as much looks and fittings done as possible

so I can understand how the '80s and '60s will look.

[Interviewer] It's the hugest puzzle, no?

It's complicated but it's gonna be fun.

It's fun to solve it and figure it out.

[Stylist] It's for the '80s,

for the second part of it today.

Okay, let's shoot it then.

I like it on her.

She's cool.

She's cool, no?

[Interviewer] How did you edit?

Because it's like infinite possibilities.

Yes, I think it's about finding a story, you know?

And what makes sense.

[Interviewer] Do you have a dream outfits?

No, but I like section, I like the '60s.

I think the '60s is very futuristic.

It's very, I love that kind of universe of going somewhere.

We have some Pacos, some Off-White,

some Jacquemus, some Balenciagas.

[dramatic orchestral music] [people chattering]

[Interviewer] How preoccupied are you?

What day is it and who are you?

Where am I? [laughs]

[Interviewer] How many tests do you have to do today?

About 1,001, it's just hard.

Everyone's working very fast, long hours.

We have a show in less than four days, so.

[Interviewer] Yay! [laughs]


[interviewer speaks in foreign language]

[Thomas speaks in foreign language]

[interviewer speaks in foreign language]

[Thomas speaks in foreign language]

This is Coperni, Dior, Stella,

Jacquemus and Isabel Marant.

[people chattering]


All right, a propos.

Okay, I didn't quite understand going from this to this.


[Anna] Like, it felt a bit schizophrenic.

Maybe that should go out, I don't know.

It just, I don't quite get the, or it should go at the end.

[Stylist] Here's the look just so we-

I think it's a, I do think this belongs in this era

'cause I will believe a woman in '90s football.

[Anna] What, playing football in that?

No, no, no, no, just as an energy, as an energy.

It's also a red-

[Ib] It's a reference, it's a reference, it's a reference.

'90s. It's a pretty woman on this.

[Anna] Maybe you build towards it then,

rather than having it stuck in the middle.

Maybe that's what's throwing me.

Cool. Let's practice.

[Stylist] We did.

[Anna] Yeah.

[dramatic orchestral music]

[clock ticks] ♪ Pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, Paris ♪

[lively percussion music]

[dramatic orchestral music]

[Bad Bunny sings in foreign language]

[people applauding]

[Bad Bunny sings in foreign language]

What do you think? It sound great to me.

But we just played, what, your arrangements,

so you were surprised?

It sound great.

Cool, thanks.

Today, we are more in studio session,

so we have, you know, small pieces.

We don't have yet the transitions.

[people speaking in foreign language]

[people applauding]

[reflective orchestral music]

[Aya sings in foreign language]

[dramatic orchestral music] [people applauding]

[interviewer speaks in foreign language]

[Aya speaks in foreign language]

[interviewer speaks in foreign language]

[Aya speaks in foreign language]

[interviewer speaks in foreign language]

[Aya speaks in foreign language]

[interviewer speaks in foreign language]

[Aya speaks in foreign language]

[interviewer speaks in foreign language]

[Aya speaks in foreign language]

[interviewer speaks in foreign language]

[Aya speaks in foreign language]

[interviewer speaks in foreign language]

[Aya speaks in foreign language]

[all laughing]

[clock ticks] ♪ Pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, Paris ♪

[lively percussion music]

[dramatic orchestral music] [engines rumbling]

[hammer bangs]

[people chattering]

[Interviewer] Who's having the worst day today?

I'm not 100%, I can't even think about-

[all laughing]

I'm just gonna be honest.

We're tired so we can't think.

We're exhausted.

[Interviewer] Sorry for the rain.

Yeah, yeah, what's going on?

Like no sunshine.

[Interviewer] I apologize.

It's not your fault, it's okay.

We'll work through it,

as long as it's not doing this on Sunday.

Wet? Yeah.

[people chattering]

[inspirational orchestral music]

[interviewer speaks in foreign language]

[Cristina speaks in foreign language]

[interviewer speaks in foreign language]

[Cristina speaks in foreign language]

[Interviewer] How comfortable is it?

It's actually really comfortable.

I was thinking it's gonna be like itchy or something,

but like the material inside is very soft,

so you don't feel it on your skin.

[interviewer speaks in foreign language]

[Maty speaks in foreign language]

[interviewer speaks in foreign language]

[Cristina speaks in foreign language]

[interviewer speaks in foreign language]

[Cristina speaks in foreign language]

[interviewer laughs]

[people chattering]

[Carine speaks in foreign language]

[Alexandre speaks in foreign language]

[Carine speaks in foreign language]

Mm-hmm, and are you sure it's, I will just strike that.

Yes, just to stop everything, it's not the right side.

What you mean? It is a back

No way! This is a back.

Oh, what?

I love that it's very surrealistic. [laughs]

How is the back?

[designers speaking in foreign language]


[people speaking in foreign language]

You have to change it.

That's why it was really big here, yeah.

[designers laughing]

[Carine speaks in foreign language]

Yes. This is the back.

[optimistic orchestral music]

[Alexandre speaks in foreign language]

[Alexandre laughs]

[Carine speaks in foreign language]

[dramatic orchestral music]

[clock ticks] ♪ Pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, Paris ♪

[dramatic synth music] [people chattering]

[Thomas speaks in foreign language]

[interviewer speaks in foreign language]

[Thomas speaks in foreign language]

[interviewer gasps]

Always use gloves, two pairs have been included

in the big box, when touching the pieces,

especially the metal pieces as bare hands

alter the color of the metal.

[interviewer gasps]

[Hugo speaks in foreign language]

[interviewer speaks in foreign language]

[Hugo speaks in foreign language]

It's hard. You look so easy.

Ooh! Sorry.

[people chattering]

It's really good.

[Interviewer] Stunning.

We wanted that to be a quick change with one of the models

but it's 45 minutes to put on.

[dramatic orchestral music]

But it's gonna be a moment. How long's the runway?

Like 30 seconds?

No, it's more than that.

No, no, you have to walk around the whole Place.

Around the Place.

I think that I just need to put

some, like, Compeeds on my hips.

[Stylist] Yes, yeah.

'Cause it's just super heavy on my hips.

Put padding on the hips. Padding on the hips.

Okay, let's get you out of this as soon as we can.

Beulah, you're in charge.

[dramatic orchestral music] [people chattering]

So timeless, it's so good to see a work in person.

[Interviewer] A friend that we all know.

[Ib] A friend that was born before me maybe. [laughs]

[Interviewer] I see you doing movements with your body.

Yeah, it's just to, like, crack my muscles,

so I'm ready at every given point to fit.

It's me releasing all my muscle tensions, like stress.

[Interviewer] I love it, I should do that.

Thank you, I'll show.

[back cracks] Ow, [laughs] maybe not.

[both laughing]

Oh my god, I'm in love with what you guys did.

I can't believe you guys are even not have like-

We're good, we're good.

Well, it's early in the day.

Thank god, it's only 11:00. [people laughing]

[dramatic orchestral music] [people chattering]

Is it too tight?

[Isabeli] It's tight to walk.

On the bottom, it's a bit tight, yes.

[Isabeli] Mm-hmm.

[Stylist] Maybe they can do an opening on the back?

We have to add them because this is couture, huh?

So this is a, so we make a vintage dress

from the original of the '30s.

It's very amazing. Amazing!

It's reproduced from the original drawings

they got in the archives and the pictures

they found in the press at the time.

It's so beautiful. You see?

Now you're part of history, Isabeli.

[dramatic orchestral music] [people chattering]

[camera beeps]

[camera clicks] It looks like purposeful.

Yeah, it looks delicate.

Yeah. And like a lady.

[all laughing]

[stylist speaks in foreign language]

Wow, she's so fast.

She knows what she's doing. Right?

[Maluma scats] She done it one time.

[people laughing]

[Maluma speaks in foreign language]

You know what I'm saying?

Look, you time-traveled.

Bro, you know, wow, I feel Titanic vibe.

You time-traveled. [laughs]

Literally. The Titanic.

The Titanic. Oh, the Titanic?

Yeah. [friend laughs]

[upbeat percussion music] [people chattering]

Bonjour. Bonjour.

You look extremely chic.

[Jeremy] Thank you, you do too.

Thank you so much for doing this.

Thanks for having me. Yeah.

Good to see you, you shut down the city.

Well. Only you could do it.

Literally, only you could do it.

I came and I looked around and said, yeah, only Anna.

Oh, no, it's gonna be fun, I think.

Yeah, it's gonna be huge.

Do you like it? I love it.

Good, good, good, good. Yeah, we got it right, yeah.

All right, excellent. Thank you.

[Interviewer] Is it like doing a magazine but live?

[chuckles] Um.

[Interviewer] Or is it more stressful or?

It's not stressful, we have an amazing, amazing team

that know exactly what they're doing.

So just can't wait to see it come to life tomorrow night.

[Interviewer] There's so many plates in the air right now.

They're all gonna land, they won't be broken, you'll see.

[massager whirs] [people chattering]

[interviewer speaks in foreign language]

[Nawal speaks in foreign language]

[interviewer speaks in foreign language]

[Nawal speaks in foreign language]

[interviewer speaks in foreign language]

[Nawal laughs]

[interviewer speaks in foreign language]

[Nawal speaks in foreign language]

[interviewer speaks in foreign language]

[Nawal speaks in foreign language]


[Director] So Jeremy Pope?

[Carine] Yes.

[upbeat percussion music]

[Director] Jeremy is here.

[Stylist] Can you come with the chairs in the second half?

Jeremy, Chanel girls, full, and then second camera

picks up Maluma from here.

He walks to the light post and leans on it,

and then camera reveals Alton,

who's leaning on the other side.

So it's like a continuous shot.

[Carine] This is for the film, for the video?

[Director] Yes.

Because the people will not see that.

The people will not see that.

[Carine] Okay.

And then as the Givenchy girls come out,

I think we have about 40 girls in gymnastics.

Yes. They explode out.

[Anna] This is Kara in her referee outfit.

Doesn't she look amazing? How are you, my girl?

Good to see you. This is gonna be be so fun.

We're so excited. Let's go.

Nice yellow card. [laughs]

Thank you. Oh, it's a huge yellow card.

If I had a red, I'd give you a red.

Hi, my love.

[Interviewer] Parris, everybody tells you a mathematician.

I'm a mathematician?

Everybody says that. I told him.

Me? Yes, the dancer's one.

[Assistant] You're like very precise about-

But I failed maths.

[Interviewer] Yeah?

Me too. I failed math in school.

[Interviewer] Zero, zero in math.

I dropped out of school.

Oh, really? Yeah. [laughs]

[Interviewer] What do you love

the most about this project?

I think working with so many incredible people

that I've looked up to for a long time.

[Interviewer] And what's the toughest?

I think working with so many bodies and moving parts.

We have, like, over 500 talent in the show,

and I have to figure out what they're doing.

[laughs] So that's been the hardest.

[Interviewer] How is your brain?


[Interviewer] [chuckles] In a good way?

Yeah, I'm ready for a drink.

[interviewer laughs]

And a shot.

You're telling them I'm a mathematician?

[interviewer laughs]

[lively percussion music]

Five, six, seven, eight.

[eerie orchestral music] Two, two, three, four, five,

six, seven, eight, one, two, three, four, stay in your line.

And one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, okay, freeze.

[choreographer speaks in foreign language]

[choreographer laughs]

[interviewer speaks in foreign language]

[Guillaume speaks in foreign language]

[upbeat hip-hop music]

The stage is here.

It's where those things are.

[Bad Bunny speaks in foreign language]

Big enough stage for you?

It's big enough. [laughs]

[inspirational orchestral music]

[Interviewer] How is it to work with Parris?

Oh, [smooches] she's a magician.

Yeah. Yeah.

And we are the magic.

We are magic. [hands clapping]

Boom, boom, boom. Boom, boom, boom, boom.

Whatever you want, whatever, it doesn't matter.

Have fun, hit it, don't hit it.

One, two, three, four, five. One, two, three, four, five.

Six, seven, eight. Six, seven, eight.

Ready? Yes.

Let's go, guys! Let's go!

Have fun! Let's go.

Yo! Let's brr!

[upbeat percussion music]

[dramatic orchestral music]

[clock ticks] ♪ Pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, Paris ♪

[lively percussion music]

[ethereal orchestral music] Beautiful.

Yeah, shake your bottom, just like that.

The wings are, like, so sexy.

The good thing is, is when you sit down,

you can just. Collapse them.

Just put them, like, back a little bit.

[Joey laughs]

Or, like, you rest the other people here.

It's fun, and they just have, like, a little back support.

Or, like, it feels like I'm giving everyone a little hug.

Yeah, exactly. Sitting right next to me.

I'm like, it's so funny.

[dramatic orchestral music]

She's cute, though.

We're gonna try on this, some beautiful Givenchy now,

which I feel good about, yeah, and we'll see how we get on.


It's so soft.

Thank you.

This is really, really cool!

I love this dress.

Ooh, the back is a little sexy, too.

I didn't realize. Oh my gosh!

I know, sorry. She looks gorgeous.

What's going on here?

[Harry] Oh, oh, excuse me.

Ooh, I can't.

This is gorgeous.

I've been waiting to put this on someone

and it looks sensational. That someone is me!

[camera clicks]

[dramatic orchestral music]

[clock ticks] ♪ Pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, Paris ♪

[Announcer] I need everybody at front of door

for rehearsals in five minutes.

You're already late, thank you!

[Stylist] Seems like your brows

will maybe help you with that.

There's so many looks here.

You're seeing a beautiful rainbow look here.

We have silver Blade Runner look.

I mean, we're busy, come and have a look.

[Interviewer] How many people working with you today?

[Pat] Maybe around 80.

This is the look you want, I know.

[Interviewer] I wake up like that.

[laughs] So we're getting ready,

and we're filling the chairs.

[Announcer] Guys, please stop what you're doing!

We just need to rehearsal, practice.

We're late, we're late!

[Anna] We wanna be happy.

We're not at a depressed French show.

We're a happy global show. We're happy.

We're celebrating.

[Anna] Thank you, lead the way.

I will. I rely on you.

I will. Okay.

Big smiles.

[upbeat percussion music]

Don't panic but panic, Vogue World: Paris!

[people chattering]

Ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, then bang, boom and then gone.

My brain's gonna explode.

[horses clopping]

We decided to put the white horse on the inside

'cause we felt that the black horse on the inside,

he was disappearing a little bit.

Okay, good call. In the dark.

Good call.

[Interviewer] Where are you in the march?

Me and Kendall are opening the equestrian section

on horses, and we're so excited,

and these horses are so beautiful.

[Interviewer] How does it feel?

Tight, just tight but it's okay, it's okay, it's okay.

Make sure everyone, you know, take a moment.

Enjoy it, smile. Yes, I'll take it.

[upbeat percussion music]

[Spectator] Woo!

This is as quick as I can go.

Do we exit?

I think it's gonna be a timing thing.

I think it's gonna be something

we're gonna have to feel out.

[people chattering]

Could we untie, I can make it but can we just take it off?

I can make it. Think you can?

Just a little bit, undo it a little.

[Stylist] Yeah.

So I can save myself for the show, but it's good.

I can do it.

You're amazing. Thank you.

[upbeat percussion music]

[Aya speaks in foreign language]

Yep. [speaks in foreign language]

[Carine speaks in foreign language]

[Aya speaks in foreign language]

[Carine speaks in foreign language]

[Aya speaks in foreign language]

[Carine speaks in foreign language]

[Interviewer] How's your brain?

It's full, [laughs] 100%, yeah, yeah.

I need to figure this out ASAP, you know?

[Interviewer] Did you see mistakes in the rehearsals?

Hopefully, no, [chuckles] finger crossed.

You do all the catwalk this way, doing all the performing,

like, in the middle of the architects.

Yeah. Why is it important

to participate Vogue World for you?

It makes me feel happy.

You know, it's for charity.

It helps support other artists, dancers, music, you know?

We're humans, we need to express ourselves.

[Interviewer] What kind of moment do you want to give us?

The moment. [laughs]

Hi everyone, it's Anna.

I know you're boiling and rehearsal went a little long,

but I wanna say, you're all amazing.

Thank you so much.

We're gonna kill it tonight. [speaks in foreign language]

[audience cheers] [audience applauds]

[clock ticks]

[dramatic orchestral music] [people chattering]

Good luck today. Thank you, thank you.

How was rehearsal?

Oh, very good, very good, thank you.

Thank you so much.

[stylist speaks in foreign language]

Everything's ready?

Yes. Yes.

We hope.

[all laughing]

Can I take a photo with you?

Of course, no problem. Thank you so much.

[camera clicks]

Good luck. Thank you so much.

Thank you.

The doors. Ah!

[people speaking in foreign language]

Thank you so much for being part of it.

We're incredibly thrilled. Thank you.

So thank you. Thank you so much.

You look amazing.

Thank you.

Hi Ciara, how are you? How are you?

Amazing. Thank you for doing this.

Oh my gosh, thank you. So grateful, yeah.

I'm so excited and so honored

that you have me a part of it.

Well, you know, it started off being this little idea

and it just got bigger and bigger.

Oh, it's big.

[people chattering] [machine rattles]

[people speaking in foreign language]

I have to tell you that my daughter is your biggest fan.

[players laughing]

So my daughter will kill me if we don't take a picture.

Let's do it. Let me in the middle.

Yes. Of course.

[camera clicks]

[dramatic orchestral music] [clock ticks]

[people chattering] Wonderful.

I'm Balenciaga from the 1930s.

Look at the tag, it's in cursive.

That's how you know it's old.

Oh, it's the show of the millennium, darling.

I'm in track and field, so it's gonna be a race.

And guess who's gonna win, go team!

[clock ticks]

[upbeat percussion music]

[Interviewer] Why is it important

for you to be here tonight?

Well I love sports, no.

[all laughing]

No, well, anything with Vogue,

I just am always honored to be with them

so I'm so excited to see something new from Vogue,

and it just sounds like it's gonna be unbelievable.

[clock ticks]

I'm just trying to give glamorous.

I mean, you look so glamorous.

I'm not gonna give a stop.

I'm just gonna be like.

[Model] Baby, it's '30s, you can walk

and you're gonna pump.

[clock ticks]

All the arts and like all fashion,

it unites so many people, and I think to have

so much talent in one place, magic is bound to happen.

And it's a city of romance.

[clock ticks] [people chattering]

[Producer] 30 seconds!

I'm ready to walk the Vogue World show.

[dramatic orchestral music] [clock ticks]

[people chattering]

[people speaking in foreign language]

[upbeat synth music]

[audience cheers]

[contemplative synth music]

[audience applauds]

Energy, smile, smile! [ethereal orchestral music]

[Simon speaks in foreign language]

[interviewer speaks in foreign language]

[Simon speaks in foreign language]

[ethereal orchestral music]

And when Anna comes to Paris

and does this, like, you should be grateful.

This is amazing.

[Silvia speaks in foreign language]

[Aya sings in foreign language]

[audience cheers]

I'm just grateful for all the support

from the French community and the the world of fashion

here in Paris, and the mayor and everyone else

that's been so supportive of this.

[Anne speaks in foreign language]

[Announcer] Welcome to Vogue World: Paris!

I wanna see you clap your hands

'cause I know you like what you see!

[audience cheers] Anna, yeah!

[spectator speaks in foreign language]

[lilting orchestral music]

[audience cheers]

[Demna speaks in foreign language]

[audience cheers] [audience applauds]

[interviewer speaks in foreign language]

[people speaking in foreign language]

[interviewer speaks in foreign language]

[atelier speaks in foreign language]

[audience cheers] [audience applauds]

[Spectator] Let's go!

[lilting orchestral music]

[Interviewer] Why is the tailleur bar so important?

This is the new look, that change, the perception

of fashion at the moment is very important for Europe,

but it is important also in the fashion history.

[Interviewer] How can you be there?

You have a fashion show tomorrow.

Yes, I know. [laughs]

[audience cheers] [audience applauds]

Let's go, have fun!

♪ Pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, Paris, Paris ♪

♪ Pa, pa, pa, Paris, bow ♪

♪ Pa, pa, Paris, Paris, pa, Paris ♪

[audience cheers] [audience applauds]

[lively synth music]

[singer sings in foreign language]

[audience cheers] [audience applauds]

[Bad Bunny sings in foreign language]

[audience cheers]

[Annita speaks in foreign language]

[Bad Bunny sings in foreign language]

[people chattering]

Yeah! Oh!

[audience cheers]

[reflective orchestral music]

[Marie-Jose speaks in foreign language]

[all laughing]

[Marie-Jose speaks in foreign language]

[dramatic orchestral music]

[audience cheers] [audience applauds]